Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

For citation:

Veliky P. P., Dakirova S. T. World sociodynamics of rural communities in the Russian village. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 263-270. DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601-2023-23-3-263-270, EDN: NASGQE

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World sociodynamics of rural communities in the Russian village

Veliky Petr P. , Institute of Agrarian Problems RAS, Saratov
Dakirova Svetlana T., Institute of Agrarian Problems RAS, Saratov

Based on many years of sociological research, the article analyzes the sociodynamics of the state of a number of characteristics of rural communities world: consciousness, behavior, values, and objective prerequisites for changes. The world of rural communities consists of refl ection and action in public and private life, based on the historical experience. The sociodynamics of socio-cultural processes is revealed in the context of the infl uence of economic practices that combine borrowed innovations and traditions of peasant culture. The organization of agricultural production, at the fi rst stage based on Western models, turned out to be largely untenable, since business entities approached it from the standpoint of traditionally peasant and post-Soviet culture. Confi dence in one’s own culture will remain a domain of rural residents in the future. The world of rural society in Russia is permeated with the meanings of interaction and cohesion, logically connected with the ethos of life “in the world”, which are genetically inherent in the peasantry, and survived in the post-reform period on the basis of the socio-economic activity of the most creative part of the inhabitants, and so far poorly manifested in the formalized socio-economic space of the agro-industrial complex.

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