Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


The formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle among students: Market trends of physical education and wellness services

The article actualizes the need to study the behavioral characteristics and psycho-emotional portrait of consumers of the market of physical education and wellness services. The main attention is paid to the study of the formation of consumer preferences when choosing services, their needs and expectations from the services provided, as well as the infl uence of various factors on the decision to receive services from this market segment.

Социокультурный контекст речевых конфликтов

The article highlights the problem of socio-cultural nature of speech conflicts. Communicators’ speech activity is conditioned both by inner and external factors of communication situation. Communicators’ personal types are of great importance, as well as their communication schemes. Personal values and principles define human motivation and intention. The asymmetry of communication activity, a speech one included, causes a lot of various conflicts.

Возрастные особенности женской предпринимательской активности (на примере женщин-предпринимателей Саратовской области)

The article deals with age-specific features of women’s entrepreneurial activity on the example of the women entrepreneurs in Saratov region. The logic of the work is built around the identification of the age profile of women’s entrepreneurship, as well as the age specificity of the key components of women’s entrepreneurial activity.

Практики женского предпринимательства в регионе: поколенческий аспект

The article presents the results of the authors qualitative sociological study of the age specifi cs of the key components of women’s entrepreneurial activity. The focus of research interest is based on the identifi cation and analysis of the key factors of female entrepreneurial activity in terms of age in relation to Saratov region. The authors used the method of analytical induction (“method of typical cases”).