Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


«Спутник V» и информационная политика европейских СМИ в отношении российских средств борьбы с пандемией

he article analyzes the public political reactions of the leaders of the European Union and the leading political forces of various European states regarding the Russian “Sputnik V” vaccine. The position of key European states in relation to the Russian vaccine are considered. This study is based on open sources and does not provide a comprehensive or complete overview of the available estimates. It focuses mainly on the problems of information support of political decisions regarding Russian means of combating the coronavirus pandemic.

Проблема домашнего насилия в пандемию COVID-19: кто виноват и что делать?

The article presents the analysis of the problem of domestic violence on the basis of domestic and foreign statistical data and the research results. Attention is focused on the aggravation of this problem during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in many countries of the world.

Одиночество в условиях пандемии: страновый обзор

In the context of the general self-isolation regime associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, loneliness is becoming one of the most global, universal human problems. The coronavirus exacerbated a previously imperceptible situation of loneliness in the world and turned people into the participants in the largest psychological experiment on the planet. In this regard, it is relevant to describe loneliness as a social phenomenon included in the stratum aspect (among diff erent population groups), as well as in the context of cross-country analysis.

Социальная регуляция рисков пандемии в оценках молодежи

The article analyzes the attitude of young people to the actions of the Government of the Russian Federation to reduce the risks of a pandemic. The attitude contains multilevel ideas about what should be and what exists in the activities of government structures and is refl ected in value judgments.

Влияние политики «мягкой силы» Китая в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе

The article deals with topical issues of the implementation of China’s “soft power” policy in the Asia-Pacifi c region. The growing infl uence of China’s public diplomacy is demonstrated by the example of state programs of technological and economic development integrating tools of interaction with the governments of the Asia-Pacifi c states.

Спрессованное время пандемии

The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of changes in the perceptions and behavior of various groups in the education system during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors analyzed the results of two focus groups conducted in the summer of 2021. Interns of the Scientifi c and Educational Regional Center for Monitoring Research, Gagarin SSTU. As a result, diff erences in the perception of social isolation by students living with families and single people were found.

Удовлетворенность сотрудников социальных служб работой в период организационных изменений

The article presents the results of a comprehensive study of “Social Support Department” and “Employment Center”, implemented by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Saratov region. The theoretical framework fi xes the key authors for this topic and marks the main approaches to understanding satisfaction. The complexity of this phenomenon is noted, which generates a variety of interpretations in both foreign and domestic research tradition.