Социальная регуляция рисков пандемии в оценках молодежи
The article analyzes the attitude of young people to the actions of the Government of the Russian Federation to reduce the risks of a pandemic. The attitude contains multilevel ideas about what should be and what exists in the activities of government structures and is refl ected in value judgments. They are considered in the mainstream of traditional analysis: in relation to age, educational level, types of activity; within the framework of the concept of self-regulation of youth life: in connection with archetypes, individual features of mentality, habitual attitudes. Despite the fact that the Government of the Russian Federation received unequivocal support from less than a third of the young people surveyed, the most critical were the groups of young people aged 18 to 29, who combine work and study and do not trust the executive power. The least critical are students and unemployed youth who trust the executive power authorities. The article substantiates the conclusion that the authorities have a stable support among young people, who share the archetypes of “guilt” and “good”, the value attitude “love for the motherland” and the high habitual attitude toward “reliability and constancy.” But the most significant factor that increases positive attitude to the institutional regulation of the risks of the pandemic is youth trust to the Government of the Russian Federation.
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- Там же. С. 35.
- Исследование проведено Центром социологии молодежи ИСПИ ФНИСЦ РАН в октябре 2020 г. под руководством Ю. А. Зубок и В. И. Чупрова. Опрошена молодежь в возрасте от 15 до 35 лет включительно методом личного интервью (face-to-face) по месту жительства респондентов. Опрос проведен по репрезентативной для населения России выборке в 42 населенных пунктах Калининградская область, Саратовская область, Курская область, Вологодская область, Республика Крым).
- Данные Центра социологии молодежи ИСПИ ФНИСЦ РАН.
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