Проблема домашнего насилия в пандемию COVID-19: кто виноват и что делать?
The article presents the analysis of the problem of domestic violence on the basis of domestic and foreign statistical data and the research results. Attention is focused on the aggravation of this problem during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in many countries of the world. The situation of uncertainty, a long stay in a confined space, the fear of contracting a new coronavirus infection, the inability to receive adequate medical care due to the congestion of the healthcare system, loss of financial stability, disruption of the usual rhythm of life led to the escalation of psychological tension. This resulted in the increase of domestic violence. The important role in resolving the situation and helping the victims of domestic violence under quarantine conditions was performed by specialized state and non-governmental organizations. Their activities underwent the structural, financial, and technological changes in the post-Covid-19 period. At the same time, in Russia there is a need of adopting a new federal law on combating domestic violence which will reduce the number of domestic crimes and increase the family values.
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