For citation:
Stafeichev A. A. GR-technologies of business associations: Issues of state regulation. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2025, vol. 25, iss. 5, pp. 95-102. DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601-2025-25-1-95-102, EDN: SWACIK
GR-technologies of business associations: Issues of state regulation
The issue of interaction between non-state actors and public authorities is one of the key issues in public policy studies in terms of the analysis of decision-making process, features of political communication with non-state actors, as well as the participation of civil society representatives in specialized state advisory bodies. Traditionally, business community representatives have been the most active participants in the communicative interaction with public authorities as part of the decision-making process. Principles of the state regulation of business associations in the Russian Federation have been defined in the article. Main GR-technologies of business associations have been identified through a series of expert interviews: participation in coordinating authorities, regulatory legal acts examination, activities on public control and industry self-regulation. As part of legal analysis, the state regulation of business associations has been assessed and the institutional environment assessment of their activities has been carried out. The described model of business associations in modern Russia is considered to be hybrid, implying the coexistence of independent NPOs and the system of chambers of commerce and industry with voluntary membership. As part of the legal analyses of the state regulation of business associations in modern Russian, as well as the existing industrial GR-mechanisms the conclusion has been made regarding the existence of the mechanism of indirect regulation of business and government interactions, despite the absence of specialized legislation.
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