Демографический потенциал стран Юго-Восточной Азии в контексте образовательной политики России
In accordance with the national policy of the Russian Federation in the fi eld of education, the state is making eff orts to attract foreign students to the country’s universities. The Southeast Asia, with its signifi cant demographic potential and prospects for economic growth is one of the promising areas for expanding the export of the Russian education. This article analyzes the demographic indicators of the region, identifi es the trends in the predominance of the young population, and makes the forecast of changes in several demographic indicators in the medium and long term. The possibilities of the national education systems of the region in the context of the socio-economic development of the Southeast Asian countries are also considered. Conclusions are drawn about the insuffi cient level of dissemination of higher education, especially in the poorest states of the region. The considerations concerning the national educational policy of Russia based on the system of granting quotas to young people from diff erent countries of the world are given. The obtained results showed the need of young people from Southeast Asian countries for high-quality and aff ordable higher education abroad, as well. The conclusions are drawn on the prospects of educational migration to Russia from the region under consideration and brief recommendations on improving the policy of promoting Russian education in countries with rich demographic potential are given.
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