Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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К вопросу о применении социального проектирования в системе управления учреждениями среднего образования: постановка проблемы в контексте социологии управления

Aleshina Elena V., Ural Institute of Management RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation

The article discusses the question of how to apply social design in the management system of secondary education institutions. In theoretical and practical terms, the correct and scientific justification of the problem statement is important not only in the framework of pedagogy, but in the context of management sociology. Today, the inability of schools to systematically adapt to the changes and integrate innovative approaches and technologies into the learning management process is noteworthy. The schools cannot anticipate and plan, in a project form, the directions for solving social problems and contradictions. The absence in the school management the system of models for implementing goals and the lack of the established mechanism for stimulating systemic changes in education are revealed. The main approaches and their relevance, the forms of the structure and possible directions of` the research are denoted. In conclusion, it is stated that social design, namely using the ability to create, implement social projects, that improve the quality of education, create opportunities for the development of the active educational environment, the inclusion of all interested participants in school relationships, personal growth and self development into of management practices – all they are necessary and important for developing and improving the quality of school education.

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