Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Правовая грамотность студенчества различных типов специальности (на примере г. Саратова)

Aymenov Aidar J., Russian University of Friendship of Peoples
Shahmatova Nadezhda V., Saratov State University

The sociological survey conducted in 2020 revealed the ambiguous, contradictory nature and average level of legal literacy of students, since the prevailing majority of young people are only superficially acquainted with their civil rights and, especially – responsibilities. Young people more positioned the law as a mechanism for regulating their permissiveness rather than as a mechanism regulating their behavior within a certain framework. At the same time, the level of self-assessment of legal literacy of students, especially of technical specialties, is higher than the real average. The prospects for the development of legal literacy of students directly depend on the intensification and diversity of social and legal interactions and on the rationalization of their life world, as a whole. In many ways, the degree of legal loyalty of students will depend on the level of their involvement in legal communication. The significant potential to increase the level of right-wing loyalty of students is seen in the promotion and dissemination of legal knowledge and increasing their demand by real life practices. The course of jurisprudence should be strengthened within the framework of general educational training, as well as the range of relevant educational programs at various levels should be expanded.

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