Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Технологии медиации в развитии солидарности субъектов общественного контроля

Bakhanova Elena V., Moscow University of Finance and Industry "Synergy"

The article analyzes the possibilities of using mediation as a technology for improving public control. The subject of analysis, which is conducted within the framework of the theories of the social agent by P. Bourdieu, the group relations by J. Turner are the basic characteristics of the mediator as a subject of social management. The subjects of public control differ in structural characteristics and sometimes reflect opposing attitudes and motivation for participation in public control. This discredits other entities and negatively affects the achievement of the goals of introducing public control in general. Previous studies of social interaction networks in the implementation of public control of the punishments’ execution state system showed that the network of social interaction includes the actors – “mediators” that perform the functions of organizing interaction between public organizations, associations of citizens, active individuals and state authorities. It is revealed that the phenomenon of solidarity among the members of public controllers has a positive effect on improving the public control effectiveness. The analysis of the definitions of the concept of the mediator is carried out, the characteristics of the mediator as a subject of social management are highlighted. It is concluded that social control can be regarded as a proactive solidarity joint activity only if the values and goals of the control actions coincide with social control, active participation in this professional activity and the participants recognize each other’s control actions.


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