Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Специфика адаптации и навыков межличностного общения обучающихся

Perevozkina Yulia M., Novosibirsk state pedagogical University
Tishkova Albina S., Novosibirsk state pedagogical University
Ganpanzurova Olga B., Novosibirsk state pedagogical University

The article discusses the specifics of adaptation and interpersonal communication experiences of cadets and school children in teenage years. The adaptation processes are presented in the socio-psychological context of joining an educational institution and are considered as an integral part of interpersonal communication. The article consideres, interpersonal communication as an indispensable condition for any form of social and private life of a person, as well as a determinant of any type of individuals’ joint activity. It is noted that the specifics of individually-oriented interpersonal interaction skills help the students to develop new strategies for adaptive and communicative opportunities. Particular attention is paid to the psychological and pedagogical support of students in the modern educational space, presented by stimulating and motivating the student to develop individually-oriented communication skills, mastering communicative skills and their further improvement in the process of adaptation. The results of the study are aimed at identifying the specifics of interpersonal communication and adaptation of students (cadets and schoolchildren). In particular, the basis of successful adaptation lies in individually-oriented interpersonal communication experiences that the child acquires in the process of interaction with significant adults, in the family environment and in the process of learning and socialization. In conclusion, it is noted that the subsidiarity and organization of this process can be considered as the most effective way of revealing the communicative side of communication in relation to the adaptation. 


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