Удовлетворенность пожилых людей системой социального обслуживания населения: региональный аспект
The article is devoted to the actual, but little-studied problem of satisfaction of elderly citizens, as the recipients of services, with the system of the population social services. The article points out that in the period of increasing importance of the will of citizens in all spheres of life, the study of the social service system through the prism of public opinion becomes particularly relevant, as the population is the main consumer of social services offered by the state. The article presents the results of the questionnaire conducted by the authors at the Chair of Social Work Sociology of Saratov State University, in Saratov and its region. The degree of satisfaction/dissatisfaction of elderly people with the social service system in this region is investigated. On the basis of the quantitative methodology, the authors analyzed the need of older people in institutions to provide social services, which are of importance in the prevention of social risks. The article revealed: satisfaction with the geographical accessibility and convenience of the social service institutions mode of operation; satisfaction with the competence and attitude to the recipients of the institutions services employees; demonstrated qualitative changes in the system of social service at the present stage in comparison with the previous ones. Also, the article identified the changes in the process of working with service recipients within the modern requirements of the “digital” society.
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