Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Трансформация потребительских практик в контексте воздействия новых медиа

Ponukalin Ilya А., Saratov State University

The communicative possibilities of the modern digital society are fundamentally different from the previous times. Active integration of new media into all spheres of human life without exception changes everyday life, forms new behaviors and ways of self-organization. Under the influence of social media there is a significant transformation of consumer practices, stages of decision-making on purchasing. During a certain period of social development, consumption becomes the dominant social process that characterizes everyday life. It acquires new media reversals and opportunities. An important charachteristics of the new media is the convergence of multimedia capabilities, so that a clear line between the producer of media communication and its consumer is almost invisible. The article presents the results of the empirical study identifying changes in the usual ways of implementing consumer practices under the influence of social media. The online survey was chosen as the research method. The study revealed that at each stage of decision-making on buying by means social media there are (may be) changes. In the context of improving technologies and accumulating of global information flows, the problem of strengthening control over communications in the network society is manifested. This is often coupled with a violation of privacy and non-compliance with the confidentiality of users’ personal data. Regardless of where people prefer to make a purchase – online or offline-in any case it is made by means of digital technology. Nowadays buying something a consumer, in one way or another, uses the Internet.


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