Институциональные альтернативы развития традиционной семьи в Дагестане
Traditional family development institutional alternatives in Dagestan are derivated from the family types which developed in Dagestan society. The authors are of opinion that as any phenomena and processes development dynamics takes place between the real and the ideal, the development of the traditional family as a social institution is directly connected with dominant trends in this area. Moreover, these tendencies are caused by interlacing between traditional and innovative in traditional family institutional space, and, therefore, the nature of its development will depend on what family practices are defining – with orientation to traditional character or innovations. On the basis of the research results, the conclusion was made that in case of preservation of institutional development of a traditional family, innovative alternative will prevail. At the same time, the orientation to coordinated connection between traditional basis of family life and innovative elements which do not imply the threat to traditional culture of Dagestan people will remain. On the basis of the research results the conclusion is drawn that within modern Dagestan society preservation of existing probability of traditional family institutional development alternative will remain. They can be characterized as traditional and modern, with orientation to the coordinated connection of traditional bases of family life and those innovative elements which are not posing threat to preservation of traditional culture of Dagestan people. According to the research results it is established that in masculine Dagestan society women are steadily imposed with more strict and rigid requirements. The change of the attitude towards women, which is present in public consciousness of Dagestan people, an assessment of their family behavior and family activity constitute noticeable transformations both in public consciousness, and in the family and marriage sphere.
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