Основные парадигмы социологического подхода к исследованию миграционных процессов (часть 2)
The article is a continuation of the main paradigms review that make up theoretical and methodological basis of the sociological approach to the study of migration processes. A detailed description of the scientific directions of this approach is presented as a complex of three basic groups: the structural group includes paradigms focusing on the system-structural, organizational-functional aspects of migration, treating it as integrity and aggregation of elements; the interpretative group aims the researcher to study human behavior, motives, meanings; the unifying group includes paradigms based on the recognition of the object of research as a developed dialectical system, taking into account the system-structural and dynamic characteristics of society, situational environmental and subject-personal determination of behavior, macro and microlevels. The possibilities and specificity of the sociological approach to the study of migration processes are considered, which allows to more comprehensively reveal the phenomenon of migration, primarily as a socio-cultural phenomenon, taking into account important peculiarities that are not yet accessible for other fields of humanities. The attention is focused on the study of migration processes through the prism of social interactions and the dialectics of external and internal factors determining migration. In conclusion, the need for constant theoretical comprehension and conducting new research in the field of population migration is noted and justified.
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