Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Политико-правовая ответственность высших должностных лиц государства при смене власти (на примере деятельности Чрезвычайной следственной комиссии Временного правительства)

В статье исследуется проблема политико-правовой ответственности представителей правящего класса. Анализируя историко-правовой опыт деятельности Чрезвычайной следственной
комиссии Временного правительства, автор выявляет концепцию и основные принципы организации расследования правонарушений со стороны высших должностных лиц государства, которые могут служить важным политико-правовым прецедентом в условиях построения правового государства.

Socio-сultural Integration as a Tool for Resolving Ethno-political Conflicts in the North Caucasus

The paper is concerned with specificity of the socio-cultural integration as a tool for resolving ethno-political identity-based conflicts in the North Caucasus. The author considers the principle factors of the identity-based conflicts and emphasizes destabilizing role of the politicization of ethnicity. Among the systemic conditions of the regional identity-based conflicts escalation, the author calls: civic identity crisis, traditionalization, ethnic tensions.

Strong Power as the Constant of Russian Politics: the Methodology of Ivan Ilyin and Modernity

The article deals with the methodological approaches to social and political transformations of modern Russian society by means of views the Great Russian philosopher I. A. Ilyin (1883–1954). The main emphasis is laid on the role of the political power in the system modernization of modern Russia.

Post-Soviet Political Projects Before the new Civilizational Challenges

Political space that is conventionally called post-Soviet, unique in its essence and nature of the occurrence. A significant amount of vertical political ties, relations and echanisms, which were United States that were part of the USSR, was replaced by a horizontal form of political interactions. One of these forms have become diverse political projects, which was initiated by the leaders of post-Soviet republics, including the Russian political elite.

Political Transformation as the Factor of Transformation of Social space of Modern Russia

The article deals with the political transformation as the important factor of institutional, structural and cultural transformations of society. The main emphasis is laid on the dependence of intensity of the political processes from the structure their spatial features: the relation of center and outlying area, the character of horizontal and vertical relations of subjects and so on.

The Impact of Changes in the Legal Regulation of the Participation of Political Parties in Elections to the Formation of the Party System with a Dominant Party

This article analyzes the impact of the electoral law on the formation of Russia’s party system with a dominant party. Law «On elections» and «On political parties» are seen as tools of political engineering. Were analyzed the possibility of participation of parties in electoral procedures, the procedure for forming blocs and coalitions, changes in the electoral formula. The paper concluded that there was «favorable treatment» in the legislative sphere major parliamentary parties and, in particular the «United Russia».

The Problem of Providing Equality of Citizens’ Political Participation: Historical and Modern Interpretations

This paper examines the evolution of the understanding of the category of «equality» since ancient Rome to contemporary period. Analyzed the opinions of scholars of different ages with respect to formal and social equality. It is concluded that the claims of equality means the person, its requirement that society and the state gave it to any member not less benefits than others. However, the law of equality is the opposite assertion another law – the variability of natural human abilities, which makes people different, different from each other.

Interpretations of «Justice» and «Injustice» and Their Usage within Contemporary Political Processes

The article considers main interpretations of «justice» and «injustice» within modern political science and makes critical evaluation of attempts to find universal formula of social justice’s realization. The author emphasizes an appeal to the values of social justice in the sphere of international relations in the context of their usage within realization of «soft power» strategy and preparation of «colored revolutions».

Информационная повестка дня в освещении событий на юго-востоке Украины (по материалам "Российской газеты" и "Вашингтон пост" за ноябрь 2014 г.)

В статье анализируется освещение событий в Луганской и Донецкой областях Украины «Российской газетой» и «Вашингтон Пост». Беря за основу теорию повестки дня второго уровня, автор выделяет основные атрибуты рассматриваемой проблематики и сравнивает между собой различные компоненты статей указанных изданий. 

О политической технологии "Управляемого хаоса" и возрастании рискогенной политической активности в современной России

Проведен анализ политической технологии «управляемого хаоса». Раскрыты основные положения доктрины «управляемого хаоса». Определена идеологическая база технологий ненасильственных переворотов. Отмечено влияние глобализации на рискогенность и экстремальность существующих и перспективных политических и геополитических процессов. 
