Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

A Word to Young Politological Scientists

Проблематика международных кризисов и интернационализированных конфликтов в программных документах и инициативах политических партий РФ

The article is devoted to the study of the content of the positions of Russian political parties on the issues of settlement of international crises and internal armed internationalized conflicts directly affecting the interests of the Russian Federation. The analysis of the party programmatics during the election campaigns of 2016–2018 and at the present stage has demonstrated a significant interest of parliamentary and other parties in carrying out effective foreign policy activities of the Russian Federation in this area.

Особенности влияния интернет-сообществ на формирование политической повестки дня в современной России (на примере мессенджера Telegram)

The article discusses the impact of online communities on the formation of the political agenda of modern Russia. The author defines the concept of a political agenda and justifies its dependence on the public agenda. The analyzes the circumstances and the socio-political consequences of blocking Telegram in Russia. It is concluded that the Internet communities are becoming one of the key factors shaping both the public and political agenda in modern Russia.

Проблемы функциональности демократии: методологические подходы к изучению

The main objective of this article is to identify the features and causes of non-compliance/distortion of the basic principles and values of democracy as the main problem of its improper functioning. The analysis is based on the study and comparison of classical and modern works on democracy, which touch upon the interaction of democracy with the media, the elite and capitalism, in order to systematize approaches to the study of the problems of its functionality.

Научно-экспертное сообщество и власть: опыт взаимодействия в регионе (на примере Кемеровской области)

The article presents the results of a study on the role of the scientific community in the regional socio-economic and political process in the Kemerovo region. The study used the analysis of information provided on the Internet, as well as materials of electronic media. In addition, a semi-structured interview method was used, during which representatives of the regional scientific community were interviewed, taking an active part in the public policy field of the region as experts.

Этнополитическая система общества: к определению понятия

The article discusses the practicability of introducing and defining the category “ethnopolitical system” for analyzing political processes implying participation of ethnic groups. The author also reveals structural elements of the ethnopolitical system and principles of working with this research model.

Разведывательные службы ЕС: проблемы информационной перегрузки

This article demonstrates the flaws of EU intelligence agencies the past decade in the field of counterterrorism, in particular regarding Jihadi terrorism. Since 2014 the West European countries fell victim to the violent actions of Islamic State (IS), which has a huge presence on social media, both on the surface web and on the Darknet. The goal is to outline the most important case-studies of Jihadi terrorism that were plotted and carried out by the terrorists and yet, not prevented by the classical intelligence authorities.

Феномен национализма в полиэтничной среде

The article considers the phenomenon of nationalism in a multi-ethnic environment from the point of view of various approaches. The idea is substantiated that in modern multi-ethnic states it is customary to single out civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism. The main causes of the surge of nationalism in different historical periods, the main theoretical and methodological approaches that explain the nature of nationalism are highlighted.

«Мягкая сила» как инструмент гуманитарной политики США в отношении Социалистической Республики Вьетнам

The article reviews the basics of the concept of “soft power”, which is actively used by the United States to promote its interests in the essential country of Southeastern Asia – the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Basing on studying of materials of Executive authorities of the United States, such as the State Department and the U.S.

Генезис политического взаимодействия России и Сирии

Using the method of traditional analysis and content analysis of documents, the article studies the political interaction of Russia and Syria in historical retrospective: from 1956 to the present. The author forms his original vision of the history of these relations on the basis of consideration of several strategically important documents signed by the Syrian Arab Republic on the one hand, and the USSR and the Russian Federation on the other. Objective and subjective factors of these relationships are revealed.
