Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

A Word to Young Politological Scientists

Институционализация лоббистской деятельности в России как фактор повышения эффективности взаимодействия общества и государства

Describes the main features of the process of interaction between society and the state, the factors of institutionalization of lobbying activities, the influence of formation of Institute of lobbying to increase the effectiveness of the communication process of civil society and government. Analyzed subjects, objects, channels, methods and technology advocacy in contemporary Russia

Роль этнополитики в формировании российской гражданской нации

The article considers the role of ethnopolitics in the design of a new Russian civil nation. The idea is substantiated that the problem of the formation of a civil nation in Russia is caused by the problem of the coincidence of two identities – national (universal) and ethnic. The role of ethnicity as a self-sufficient political resource is noted. The process of nation-building, features of ethno-political education are analyzed. The need to shift the emphasis in the implementation of Russian ethnopolitics is emphasized.

Конфликт между центром и Каталонией в Испании: анализ политического дискурса

The article is devoted to regional conflict between Spain and Catalonia. The confrontation has a long history, but nowadays the desire of the regional authorities to independence has led to an escalation of the conflict. The article defines the main lines of positioning and reveals hidden discursive subtexts in the statements of the conflict participants. The author focuses on public statements connected with the confrontation between Spain and Catalonia.

Политико-правовое регулирование интернет-пространства в современной России

The article examines the evolution of political and legal regulation of activities in the information space in the Russian Federation. An analysis of key legal acts and documents in this area, as well as other initiatives of government authorities to ensure control over the dissemination of information is provided. The conclusion is made about the reasons and purposes of toughening of the state regulation of Internet communities and Internet space in general.

Влияние представителей правящей элиты Смоленской области на динамику отношений региона с Республикой Беларусь в рамках трансграничного сотрудничества

The author analyzes the degree of influence and personal participation of representatives of the ruling elite of the Smolensk region in building relations with the Republic of Belarus in the framework of transborder cooperation between the regions of the two countries. The evolution of the composition and mechanisms of formation of the regional elite from 1991 to the present is considered as one of the criteria for determining the political regime of the region.

Проблематика международных кризисов и интернационализированных конфликтов в программных документах и инициативах политических партий РФ

The article is devoted to the study of the content of the positions of Russian political parties on the issues of settlement of international crises and internal armed internationalized conflicts directly affecting the interests of the Russian Federation. The analysis of the party programmatics during the election campaigns of 2016–2018 and at the present stage has demonstrated a significant interest of parliamentary and other parties in carrying out effective foreign policy activities of the Russian Federation in this area.

Особенности влияния интернет-сообществ на формирование политической повестки дня в современной России (на примере мессенджера Telegram)

The article discusses the impact of online communities on the formation of the political agenda of modern Russia. The author defines the concept of a political agenda and justifies its dependence on the public agenda. The analyzes the circumstances and the socio-political consequences of blocking Telegram in Russia. It is concluded that the Internet communities are becoming one of the key factors shaping both the public and political agenda in modern Russia.

Проблемы функциональности демократии: методологические подходы к изучению

The main objective of this article is to identify the features and causes of non-compliance/distortion of the basic principles and values of democracy as the main problem of its improper functioning. The analysis is based on the study and comparison of classical and modern works on democracy, which touch upon the interaction of democracy with the media, the elite and capitalism, in order to systematize approaches to the study of the problems of its functionality.

Научно-экспертное сообщество и власть: опыт взаимодействия в регионе (на примере Кемеровской области)

The article presents the results of a study on the role of the scientific community in the regional socio-economic and political process in the Kemerovo region. The study used the analysis of information provided on the Internet, as well as materials of electronic media. In addition, a semi-structured interview method was used, during which representatives of the regional scientific community were interviewed, taking an active part in the public policy field of the region as experts.
