Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

A Word to Young Politological Scientists

Threats to human security in Latin America

Like any other region of the world Latin America is a subject to threats that negatively affect the standard of living of people. The author identifi es and analyzes the main economic, social, political, and environmental threats of the region, referring to the documents of international organizations such as the UN, the World Bank, Human Rights Watch and experts studying the problems.

Problems of Lebanese democracy: Costs of the confessional system

The article deals with the diffi culties associated with the confessional system of government in Lebanon; the key characteristics of consociative democracy in Lebanon and its diff erences from other democratic systems are analyzed. A consociation is a system of governance that grants members of various faiths certain rights and political representation in government. In Lebanon, the confessional system was introduced in 1943 and has since played a key role in the country’s political system.

International political aspects of countering discrimination sports sanctions against the Russian Federation after the 2014 Olympic games

The article examines political aspects of the development of the doping scandal in international sports, which began after the 2014 Olympic Games. The accusations made against the Russian Federation for creating and supporting an institutionalized system of doping use point to the unprecedented nature of the information company. Despite the obvious political background of the doping scandal and the noticeable fl aws of the charges, Russian sports functionaries were unable to fully exploit the potential of the political information counteraction company.

Trust, distrust and fake news in the process of political legitimization

The article examines influence of factors of trust, distrust, and fake news on the level of legitimacy of state power and decisions taken. The position of the authors who establish a clear correlation between the level of legitimacy of the government and the level of development of its democratic institutions is disputed. The legitimacy of power is based on the assessment of the conformity of the position of authority and decisions made to the image of power formed in the civil consciousness and shared ideological positions.

The foreign policy strategy of the US ruling elites in the 21st century: Indo-Pacifi c region

The author focuses on the strategy of the US ruling elites in the Indo-Pacifi c region. Documents of American senior offi cials responsible for US foreign policy are used as sources. The concept of “Free and Open Indo-Pacifi c”, which refl ects the vision of Washington, is analyzed. The research hypothesis assumes that the US elite is pursuing a systematic policy of creating political and economic alliances with the countries of Southeast Asia to ensure world hegemony in the 21st century. China is their main competitor.

State regulation of activities of foreign agents in the Russian Federation: Evolution of the industry law in 2012–2022

The regulation of foreign agents’ activities as part of ensuring the security of Russian sovereignty, the constitutional order and national interests from the foreign infl uence is one of the key directions of the development of Russian politics and society nowadays. The actuality of this problem is driven by the presence of internal and external threats. The article presents the prerequisites for the adoption of regulation regarding foreign agents’ activities in the Russian Federation.

Political interest of the Russian state in participation in educational reforms: The problem of unspokenness

The article provides a forecast of the risks associated with plans to continue reforms in Russian education. For many years and to these days one source of risk is the absence in the fundamental documents regulating the process of reforming domestic education, the exact formulations of those state interests for the benefit of which the reforms are being carried out.

Особенности использования факторного анализа в политологических исследованиях

The article compares the applicability of two types of factor analysis – exploratory and confirmatory – as research methods of political science. The author argues that exploratory factor analysis provides better understanding of complex political phenomena by constructing a hypothesis on their potential structure. Instead, confirmatory factor analysis aims to test an already proposed hypothesis by means of experiment. Yet experimenting seems to be of limited use in political science.

Исследование gr: основные теоретические подходы

This article is devoted to the problem of revealing scientific approaches to studying business-government relations. The direction of studying Government Relation is developing in political science actively. It is important to define the theoretical and methodological frameworks of studying this phenomenon. The author examines the theories and approaches which can be used to investigate the reasons of GR, the main models of this interaction, and identify methods for GR strategies’ realization.

Между востоком и западом: Молдова на геополитическом перепутье

The author investigates the major directions of Moldova’s foreign policy during the period from January to August, 2017. He analyzes the initiatives of the President Igor Dodon of rapprochement with the countries of EEU and their consequences for Moldo a are analyzed.
