Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


The evolution of the language personality concept in the course of constructing social reality

The article presents the stages of transformation of the concept “linguistic personality” in correlation with the changes of social reality. The reasons for the appearance of the concept “communicative personality” in connection with the formation of the social reality of the information society are substantiated. Comparative analysis of these concepts, involving linguistic, socio-cultural and socio-psychological factors is presented. The “linguistic turn” in socio-humanitarian research contributed to a new content of linguistic personality as a discursive concept.

The specifi cs of Saratov youth communication practices in social and virtual space

The article present the results of sociological monitoring conducted by the method of questioning in Saratov in 2022. According to the probabilistic quota-territorial sample, 698 young Saratov residents were interviewed. The results were processed in the SPSS program. The study showed that communication takes the fi fth place among the values of young people (after health, family, friendship and freedom). In the perceptions of young people, the most eff ective channel of communication is real "live" direct communication. They trust it the most.

Manipulatiоn as a phenоmenоn оf the infоrmatiоn sосiety

The article touches upon the most urgent problem of information manipulation with the aim of infl uencing society. In most sources manipulation is interpreted as the use of certain techniques and technologies, under the influence of which the behavior of people changes in the direction necessary for the manipulator. It is noted that the most favorable conditions for the implementation of manipulation technologies are formed in the information society, in which information, knowledge and information technologies play a special role.

Граффити провинциального города (коммуникативный подход)

В статье рассматривается граффити как средство коммуникации в современной среде провинциального города. Раскрыто несколько подходов к дефиниции граффити, приведены базовые классификации, которые стали основой для ранжирования и анализа эмпирических данных исследования.

Способы управления неформальными коммуникациями и их значение для малого и среднего бизнеса

В статье рассматриваются различные теоретические и прикладные подходы к управлению неформальными коммуникациями на предприятиях малого и среднего бизнеса. в работе сделан вывод, что необходима коррекция методологии исследования неформальных коммуникаций с учетом особенностей отечественной социально-культурной среды ведения предпринимательской деятельности.

The Phenomenon of Suicide in the Study of Contemporary Theories and Concepts of Media

The article presents the analysis of theories and hypotheses of foreign as well as Russian authors who studied social aspects of the media. The value of various scientific schools which developed their own interpretations and ideas is noted, however all the analyzed theories reveal the social character of this means of communication. The aim of the research is to explain the theoretical foundation to study the media as a social phenomenon as well as examining the notion of a suicide in the perspective of the media theory.


Article deals with the understanding of mediation within the theoretical approaches of the communicative science. Author describes the potential of the mediative procedures in the context of the legal culture development in modern Russian society, defines social advertising as an instrument of official elucidation and promotion aimed at popularization of the alternative means for dispute and conflict settlement.


The author studied the documentary materials that represent the work of public organizations of businessmen under of monarchy and in modern Russia. The research has shown successful communication not big business community with the government at the turn of XIX– XXth centuries under of monarchy. The study also revealed controversy of authority and modern small and medium-sized business community, dissatisfaction of this business community with interaction with the authorities.

Социальные медиа как инструмент публичной политики в современной России

In article scientific interpretations of the concept “social media” are considered, functions (communicative, relativistic) and tendencies of their development during a modern information era reveal. It is proved that social media give the chance of upholding of interests in public space to both ordinary citizens, and the opposition movements. The Russian network community actively carries out political dialogue by means of social media, forming a public discourse and new forms of mass communication. 
