Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

социологическое исследование

On Estimates of the Leadership Elite-constituent Authorities at the Regional Level

The article considers the essence of leadership in the modern Russian situation, based on materials of sociological research analyzes some characteristics of leadership, the Russian political elite sostavlyayuscheysovremennogo management at the regional level.


Patriotism is very ambiguous, the meaning and the value of which is estimated often diametrically opposite. It is viewed from the perspective of many humanities – philosophy, sociology, psychology, etc. The article contains the results of the research of the youth patriotism (N = 320), which was conducted in April – May 2015 in Saratov region.

Доверие к власти в региональном контексте: социологическое измерение

In article on the basis of results of sociological poll of the Saratov region the level of trust of residents of the region authorities of various levels is analyzed. During the analysis direct correlation link is revealed: the level of the power is higher – the level of evaluation of quality of work of its representative is higher. High level of approval of Russian President activity is revealed. So, nearly 70% of inhabitants of the Saratov region completely or mostly support and approve his activity.

Социальная нетерпимость в современном российском обществе: региональное измерение

The article is devoted to the sociological research of the modern Russian society’s social intolerance phenomenon in the regional dimension. The article is based on the results of the sociological study conducted in 2019 by the sociologists of Saratov State University. The model of measuring the attitudes to different socio-demographic groups involved a range of scale positions from the degree of maximum acceptance to total distance.

Опыт эмпирических исследований социальной нетерпимости

The article is devoted to the problem of the empirical study of the phenomenon of social intolerance. The analysis of the results of sociological studies conducted in the USA and Western Europe in the second half of the XX – early XXI centuries is given. The relevant dimensions of tolerance are the subject of the ongoing debate. Scientists do not agree on the question of whether measuring tolerance in different ways is important for identifying the origin of tolerance.

Социологическая концептуализация патриотизма в ракурсе изучения эффективности молодежной политики

The article analyzes the concept of “patriotism” as a social and moral principle that determines the attitude of citizens towards their country. This attitude is considered within a complex set of feelings, knowledge, value orientations, attitudes, actions, usually articulated as love for the motherland. The procedure for identifying the eff ectiveness of youth policy indicators showing the presence / absence of patriotism is studied.

Медицинский туризм в России: дизайн социологического исследования и прогноза

The article considers medical tourism in Russia as a social phenomenon. The design (development of a program, hypotheses, methodology) of sociological research is proposed, which involves understanding the existing and obtaining missing information about the investigated social phenomenon. In solving these problems, it is important to understand that the genesis and development of medical tourism are infl uenced by quite numerous social factors (often acting in directly opposite directions) that actualize social reality in the time period of one to two years ago.