Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

пожилые люди

Formal and informal practices of social services for older citizens

The formal and informal practices of social services for elderly consumers of social services in modern Russia are analyzed on the basis on the results of quantitative (questionnaire survey) and qualitative (interview) research. The article analyzes the current state of the social service system for citizens of retirement age in this country, which allowed the authors to state the impossibility of its state formalization in order to satisfy all social, living and medical needs of citizens of the third and fourth ages.

Направления социальной активности пожилых людей

Процесс старения общества существенно
изменяет его возрастную структуру. С каждым
годом число людей третьего возраста увеличи-
вается, возрастает их роль и значимость во всех
сферах общественной жизни. В связи с этим ак-
туальной становится задача создания «общества
для всех возрастов», конструирования позитив-
ного образа старости, эффективного использо-
вания потенциала геронтологической группы
Социальная активность – деятельность лич-
ности, индивида, направленная на удовлетво-

Адаптивные потенциал пожилого населения в современной России

В статье рассматривается адаптивный потенциал такой специфической группы российского общества, как пожилые люди, пенсионеры. Показывается объективная необходимость привлечения к труду этой социальной группы населения.

New Trends of Lifestyle of an Elderly Woman Living Solo

In contrast to traditional notions about solitude and privacy, living confined some of the women of the third age, shows their positive solo living, with all traditional and new social roles.

Геронтологическое направление социального туризма

The world sociological science currently shows an increased interest in population ageing and elderly’s life, which is associated with an increased life expectancy. Population aging is one of the main problems for many countries of the world. In modern conditions, old age becomes almost the longest period of a person’s life and no longer fits into the familiar concept of «sunset years». However, the inadequacy of both the phenomenological material and the methodological approaches causes a low degree of development of gerontological issues.

Удовлетворенность пожилых людей системой социального обслуживания населения: региональный аспект

The article is devoted to the actual, but little-studied problem of satisfaction of elderly citizens, as the recipients of services, with the system of the population social services. The article points out that in the period of increasing importance of the will of citizens in all spheres of life, the study of the social service system through the prism of public opinion becomes particularly relevant, as the population is the main consumer of social services offered by the state.

«Модельная сельская семья» («Сис ыал») как способ самоорганизации пожилой семьи

The article examines the current regulatory and legal framework of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the field of state’s social assistance to long-term elderly families. The article focuses on the growing special interest and attention to the social policy of the state to long-term elderly families who have lived together for 50 years or more, who as a socio-demographic category of the population present an insufficiently studied group from the scientific point of view.

Социальная поддержка пожилых граждан в эмоционально-психологической сфере

The article is devoted the actual problem – the satisfaction of elderly citizens with emotional and psychological support from the social service system. The article presents the results of the qualitative research (interview) as part of the research group at the Department of Sociology of Social Work of Saratov State University in Saratov and the region.

Социальное обслуживание пожилых граждан: взгляд получателей услуг

The article is devoted to the urgent problem – the study of the availability of state paid social services, the degree of satisfaction of elderly citizens with them, as well as the study of their cost and the proposed spectrum. The article presents the results of quantitative (questionnaire survey) and qualitative (interview) studies conducted by the authors as a part of a research group at the Chair of Sociology of Social Work of Saratov State University in Saratov and the region.