Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Интерпретация теории «идеальных типов» М. Вебера применительно к эмпирическому социологическому исследованию

Siiukhova Aminet M., Maikop State Technological University
Kueva Ella M., Maikop State Technological University

The article analyzes the problems of interpretation of Max Weber’s theory of «ideal types» in empirical sociological studies. The theory of «ideal types» is effective for studying the systemic qualities of universal socio-cultural institutions, local social groups and individuals. The concept of «ideal» is differentiated in everyday consciousness and in scientific and sociological discourses. In sociology, the «ideal» is understood as referring to the sphere of consciousness, regardless of the positive or negative assessment of a social phenomenon. The examples of possible applications of Weber’s theory for the analysis of modern social spheres of health care and education are shown. In the conditions of industrial and post-industrial society, one of the important statuses in the social structure is the profession, and the typifying factor of the professional community is the professional culture. The scientific operation of the ideal type category within the framework of an empirical sociological study of the professional community/personal cultural level of an individual will be most effectively implemented by means the modeling method, when the essential qualities of the object under study are structured in a graphical model.

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