Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Основные факторы формирования патриотических настроений у молодого поколения в современных социальных условиях

Saiganova Elena V., Saratov State University

The article deals with the actual problems of Patriotic education of young people, the change of value orientations under the influence of external factors. The perspectives of the youth patriotism education development reveal the basic concepts of patriotism and the modern interpretation and the main factors in the Patriotic moods’ formation among the young generation under modern social conditions are highlighted. The article considers the ongoing changes in the social differentiation of social structures and the destruction of spiritual values which have had and continue to have a negative impact on the young generation, the protest potential of young people being the example. In this context, the article considers and analyzes the need to solve and set tasks for the education system and for all other social institutions on the issues of upbringing the love to their Motherland. Today the concept of measures aimed at improving the students’ Patriotic education level is a priority of the GMP (state youth policy). Achieving the goal of Patriotic education of young people in Russia by solving a set of tasks is ensured by the implementation of the unified state youth policy, which is carried out by state authorities and local authorities with the assistance of public organizations. 


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