Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Социальная инфраструктура города как отражение качества физического пространства

Kalinnikova Marina V., Saratov State University
Golovina Anna A., Saratov State University

The modern process of urbanization actualizes the urban space social infrastructure organization quality. The article deals with organizing as one of most important components of the city’s social infrastructure – a physical space. The physical urban space is considered as a complex and diverse organism, consisting of certain clusters: nature-ecological, engineering, transport, culturally-historical, socially-settling. They form a single, complementary and ever-changing system that provides urban residents with a full range of functions. Managing the physical space of cities is a constant work of social, economic and spiritual spheres. The author’s public opinion poll conducted among the young population of Saratov, identified the main indicators by which the population assesses the quality of the organization of the urban environment; they are: safety, ecology, transport, services, infrastructure, the quality of public services, cultural and historical heritage (theatres / museums), concentration of places of entertainment and leisure. The dependenses between the level of education, age and employment of respondents and their choice of life’s quality indicators in the urban environment are traced. It is highlighted that using the life’s quality indicator make it possible not only to study the problems of social infrastructure organization, but also to determine the ways of creating a comfortable life of citizens in each individual city.


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