Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Теоретическое обоснование критериев конкурентоспособности инициативных аграриев

The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the criteria of competitiveness of the strong groups of agrarian orientation. The stress on a complex and approach made it possible to establish that the competitiveness criteria are of a «cross-cutting» character and aimed at identifying the competitive individuals in different strata of a rural community.

Рационализация профессионального выбора студентов технического ВУЗа

Rationalization of consciousness and behavior is considered in article as one of characteristics of modern societies impregnating all spheres of activity of various social subjects including youth. Article is devoted to the analysis of tendencies of rationalization of a professional choice of future technical specialists possessing special technical rationality. At the heart of article – results of the empirical research executed by method of focus group, which is carried out among future pilots of civil aviation.

Приобщение молодежи к здоровому образу жизни и занятиям спортом как направление региональной молодежной политики

This article discusses the features of development of sports in the Saratov region. The main sports areas in the regional youth policy, targeted programmes for youth to promote healthy lifestyles in the framework of the youth policy. It is very important to pay attention to the health of the young generation to carry out activities aimed at stimulating motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Support and development of the sports institutions every year improved as in the municipal centres and in the region.

Трансформирование роли родительской семьи в социальной мобильности молодежи в России

There is analysis of social mobility of Russian young people in the article. The authors analyze modern scientific literature on this topic Influence of macro-factors prevails over personal resources of a young man. So families try to compensate this. As a result, a family acts as strengthenings instrument of social inequality. Young people from high-status families have opportunities for social growth. Young people from low-status families are often immobile. Of course, the status of the parental family is not inherited by children.

Практики атеистической социализации в контексте формирования советского общества

This paper presents the analysis of the atheistic practices of socialization in the conditions of the initial stage of formation of Soviet society. The main directions of atheization of the population and struggle against religion are considered in Soviet Russia. The article describes the practice of destruction of the traditional system of values, ethical norms of behavior, conditions of everyday life of the Russian people.

Отношение дагестанских народов к внешним и внутренним мигрантам как индикатор межнациональной толерантности

One of the actually problems are characteristics of the interethnic situation, the factors that generate interethnic tension and ethnoconflicts in modern Dagestan society. Socio-economic factors, dissatisfaction of Dagestan people a material situation with their own and their families are the main reasons for internal migration in Dagestan. For the above reasons, people are forced to move from places of their former residence to other regions of the republic for temporary or permanent residence.

Доверие к власти в региональном контексте: социологическое измерение

In article on the basis of results of sociological poll of the Saratov region the level of trust of residents of the region authorities of various levels is analyzed. During the analysis direct correlation link is revealed: the level of the power is higher – the level of evaluation of quality of work of its representative is higher. High level of approval of Russian President activity is revealed. So, nearly 70% of inhabitants of the Saratov region completely or mostly support and approve his activity.

Родительские предпочтения в сельских семьях с разным количеством детей

The article shows the differences in parental preferences among women with different number of children. The materials of the pilot study carried out by the Institute of Agrarian Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences consider parental preferences for the main spheres of life of children (goods and services for children, opportunities for children and the nature of the relationship of children with the closest environment). There is analyze the dependence of differentiation of parental preferences from women’s models of reproductive behavior.

К вопросу о формировании здорового образа жизни студенческой молодежи (на примере Оренбургского государственного университета)

The article is devoted to the study of the students’ orientation to a healthy lifestyle and to the using of the University’s potential to improve their health. The main components of a healthy lifestyle are considered, and the main preventive actions for promoting health are described in the article. The events of Orenburg State University that aimed at maintaining and promoting healthy lifestyles are analyzed.
