Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Развитие антикоррупционной политики как фактор интеграции современного российского общества

This article examines legal anti-corruption policy and its integration potential to the society. Examines the civil society Institute as part of an effective anti-corruption policy and its role in the fight against corruption.Analyzes the concept of anti-corruption policy and its components, corruption and its negative social consequences.

Традиции и инновации в институциональном пространстве дагестанской семьи

The author set a difficult purpose associated with the sociological analysis of traditional and innovative elements in the family sphere of modern Dagestan in this article. The polygyny of Islamic doctrine played a big role in this process. By the results of our research we concluded about negative attitudes towards polygamy institution in the public mind of Dagestan people and we noted marked differences by gender section.

Социальные модели преодоления бездомности: российская практика

The article is devoted to theoretical analysis of historical and contemporary practices of social assistance to the homeless in Russia. Allocated social model of overcoming homelessness: punitive, rehabilitative, emergency, shelter, exploitative. Describes models of overcoming homelessness, discusses specific cases of overcoming homelessness in the framework of a particular model.

Проблемы формирования профессиональной культуры муниципальных служащих (на основе результатов социологического исследования)

The subject of the study, the results of which presented in this article, is the professional culture of municipal employees.The article presents an analysis of models of professional culture of workers of local government organizations. As a result of the study, it is established that municipal employees are dominated by rational bureaucratic attitudes and patrimonial expectations.However, the transition to the model of public management is carried out. Municipal employees are in the process of forming a professional culture of “public management”.

Земельная реформа в Республике Дагестан: проблемы, противоречия и оценка в общественном сознании дагестанских народов

The attitude that exists in the mass consciousness of the Dagestan peoples to the land reform carried out in Dagestan is revealed in this article. Based on the analysis of the materials of periodical press of the republic and the results of the author’s sociological research, a conditionally positive assessment of the land reform carried out in the republic in the mass consciousness of the respondent Dagestan peoples is established.

Особенности проявления преступного поведения в подростковой среде: региональный аспек

This article discusses the characteristics of the manifestation of criminal behavior of youth on the territory of Saratov region. The analysis and study of the main motivations in the Commission of crimes, we study the value orientations of young people.

Метод онлайн фокус-группы: опыт изучения мнения населения о проблемах реформирования системы пенсионного обеспечения в Приднестровье

The article describes the experience of applying the online focus group method. It is used to study the opinion of the population about the problems of reforming the pension system. The authors of the article formulated the advantages and disadvantages of the online focus group method. The authors developed methodological recommendations for the application of online focus groups. This method provides quick feedback of researchers to the public.

Глобальные и локальные противоречия: фундаментализм против глобализации

The article deals with characteristic features of the main contemporary opposition: fundamentalism and globalism as main contemporary opponents. The two main approaches to globalization phenomenon interpretation are presented. The new type of socialization in a global community is characterized. The new theories of new order images, explaining the causes of social inequality and countries’ dependence on each other are described

Факторы успешности избирательной кампании (на примере выборов депутатов Законодательного собрания Ульяновской области)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the key factors of a successful modern election campaign in Russia. Also it deals with the research of the role of political PR in election campaigns of different political actors. The article is about the ways of political PR which can promote success or failure of election of deputies of legislative assembly

Проектное развитиe культурного человеческого капитала военнослужащих-контрактников

Suppressive factors of cultural human capital development of contract soldiers and sergeants are revealed. Solutions of ascertained problems are presented, propositions directed to designing of proactive development processes of cultural development of contract military personnel are developed.
