Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

новые медиа

Media practices of “digital” generation: Political context

The object of this research were representatives of so-called “digital” generation of Russian youth (people born in the fi rst decade of the 21st century), and the subject was media practices common among them. Despite the fact that within Russian scholarship, quite a lot of attention is traditionally paid to the problems of media consumption by young people, various aspects of political dimension of the formats of interaction with the media widely spread among young people are rarely in the focus of attention of scholars.

Trust, distrust and fake news in the process of political legitimization

The article examines influence of factors of trust, distrust, and fake news on the level of legitimacy of state power and decisions taken. The position of the authors who establish a clear correlation between the level of legitimacy of the government and the level of development of its democratic institutions is disputed. The legitimacy of power is based on the assessment of the conformity of the position of authority and decisions made to the image of power formed in the civil consciousness and shared ideological positions.

Коммуникации в кризисных ситуациях: модели интернет-присутствия

В статье рассматриваются особенности управления репутацией
в кризисной ситуации. Анализируются современные инструмен-
ты кризисных коммуникаций, основные формы интернет-комму-
никаций, раскрываются их преимущества и недостатки. Обраща-
ется внимание на необходимость выработки адекватной модели
интернет-присутствия и оценки эффектов программы кризисных

The Social Nature of the Web-documentary in the Framework of the New Media

The article presents an analysis of the concept of the web-documentary in the age of online media. The authors considers significant changes in this area affected the social institutions such as film and media. The purpose of the article is the designation of the web documentary concepts boundaries and the selection of its specific characteristics and values in the society system. Considered in theory, reveal the impact of the changes in the media in the social processes of the Information Society.

Влияние новых цифровых технологий на потребительское поведение: региональный аспект

The article analyzes various aspects of new digital technologies impact on consumer behavior. The necessity of sociological interpretation and understanding of digital reality as a large-scale socioeconomic phenomenon, and the search for social determinants of consumer behavior in these conditions are formulated. It is argued that digital technologies are promising tools for consumer behavior social construction.

Трансформация потребительских практик в контексте воздействия новых медиа

The communicative possibilities of the modern digital society are fundamentally different from the previous times. Active integration of new media into all spheres of human life without exception changes everyday life, forms new behaviors and ways of self-organization. Under the influence of social media there is a significant transformation of consumer practices, stages of decision-making on purchasing. During a certain period of social development, consumption becomes the dominant social process that characterizes everyday life.

Доверие, недоверие и фейковые новости в процессе политической легитимизации

The article examines influence of factors of trust, distrust, and fake news on the level of legitimacy of state power and decisions taken. The position of the authors who establish a clear correlation between the level of legitimacy of the government and the level of development of its democratic institutions is disputed. The legitimacy of power is based on the assessment of the conformity of the position of authority and decisions made to the image of power formed in the civil consciousness and shared ideological positions.