For citation:
Balandina T. M., Bychenko Y. G. Modernization of the educational potential under the conditions of partial military mobilization in Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 276-283. DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601-2023-23-3-276-283, EDN: MILENG
Modernization of the educational potential under the conditions of partial military mobilization in Russia
The specifi c problems of the development of the educational potential of Russians related to the sharp aggravation of the military confrontation in the world, the intensifi cation of hostilities in the Ukraine, the implementation of partial mobilization, as well as the mobilization of educational training of part of the economically active population of Russia are clarifi ed. Theoretical developments devoted to the study of educational potential are analyzed, and these concepts are conditionally ranked into interdisciplinary, general sociological and military-sociological ones. The integration of diff erent views made it possible to substantiate the need to clarify the trend in the development of the educational potential of the population as a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, culture and practical experience of individuals in the areas of both general and partially military-professional action. The hypothesis is put forward according to which the modernization of the educational potential of the population under the conditions of partial military mobilization in Russia involves: updating its content (introduction of additional military educational components); saturation of scientifi c and spiritual quality (accumulation of the innovative component of the abilities of its carriers); allocation of adaptive potential as an independent component of self-development (accumulation of the adaptive component of the abilities of carriers of educational potential). The ways of modernization of the educational potential of Russians are presented. The fi rst one is the transition to a comprehensive and continuous formation of educational potential. At all levels of general, professional, and additional education, there should be a dual target orientation: general and special civil; general military. The second one is the formation of a proactive (proactive) type of formation of educational potential. In the education system it is important: to transform the nature of scientifi c and investment fl ows; to activate the channels of socio-cultural mobility; to reverse the saturation of civilian and military human capital of trainees and trainees. The third one is the allocation of adaptive potential as a separate component of educational potential. It is proved that under the new conditions, the realization of educational potential depends on the ability of individuals to quickly assess changes in the external social environment, adapt, form new models of infl uence in the process of work, service, military infl uence on the enemy. Adaptive educational potential is proposed to be considered as a characteristic of an individual's educational abilities to adapt their own activities in both peacetime and wartime.
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