For citation:
Beginina I. А. Socio-demographic factors of the regional youth employment. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 250-262. DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601-2023-23-3-250-262, EDN: MZGONN
Socio-demographic factors of the regional youth employment
The article presents the results of sociological monitoring conducted by the method of questioning in Saratov in 2022. According to the probabilistic quota sample, 480 people from 18 to 30 years old were interviewed. The selection criteria are gender and age. The results were processed in the SPSS program. The study showed that Saratov youth are mainly distinguished by paternalistic moods in employment, but, depending on gender, age and marital status, they have signifi cant diff erences in their orientations and problems. So the gender factor is manifested in the fact that young men are more active in the regional labor market. However, they were more likely to face the problem of low wages with large amount of work. Describing the level of diffi culty in fi nding a job, most girls noted that it is very diffi cult due to lack of experience. They would like to get help in fi nding employment from educational institutions, but in reality, when looking for a job, they often resort to the help of government agencies. Not less important is the age factor. Under its impact, young people under the age of 24 more often than the elders remained committed to their place of work, combining it with improving their education and fi nding a job in their specialty. They are more focused on individual achievements, refl ected in the size of salaries. Problems with employment were less common among young Saratov residents than among mature youth. For them, the most problematic thing is the lack of experience. The main diffi culty is to fi nd a job with a fl exible work schedule. 25–30 year olds are characterized by increased mobility and demanding work. Mature youth care more about the realization of their inner potential and social recognition from others. They more often stated a high level of complexity of employment. The older faced the problems of low wages, lack of experience and large amount of work more often. Only they are registered at the labor exchange, waiting for assistance in employment from the university. Marital status also aff ects the employment patterns of young people. It contributes to a stable attitude to work. Those who live without marriage registration, as well as non-family young people, often do not work and are looking for work in their specialty. They are 6 times more concerned about the amount of earnings than others. They are more often focused on independence in employment. Single and unmarried youth are more likely than others look for work aimed at career growth.
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