Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Ценности в системе социальной культуры семьи российского военнослужащего

Bychenko Yuriy Grigorievich, Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Banner Institute of National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation
Egorov Aleksey V., Saratov State University

Theoretical, methodological, and empirical substantiation of the problem of values’ development of a serviceman’s family after the implementation of the civil-military relations reform in Russia in 2012 is presented. On the basis of the study from the sociological survey “Family Culture of the Russian Servicemen”, the trends in updating family values in the post-reform period are revealed. The identification of the changes in the values of a serviceman’s family made it possible to clarify and reveal the structure of military families and the ways transforming not only the vital interests and priorities of this family, but also the changes in labor motives, needs and social needs of their members, as a whole. It is proved that the value priorities of military personnel in modern conditions should be characterized as one of the generalized indicators of their professional cultural potential. With regards to the priorities of life values, military families are conventionally divided into several groups: 1) 20% “money savers” (the families whose members have predominant values related to material well-being, the desire for high earnings); 2) 17% “health-oriented” (the families that have the most important priority in maintaining health, developing the physical potential of their members); 3) 10% “strong family members” (the families whose members have predominant values related to their own family, striving to maintain good relations in the family); 4) 10% “career professionals” (the families whose life activities are aimed at ensuring the conditions for career growth of military personnel, and increasing their military educational potential); 5) 6% “self-sacrificing patriots” (the families that focus on finding things to their liking, realizing themselves in interesting military activities, meeting the need for military intellectual work, subordinating their own interests, sacrificing them for the good of society, the country and the state).

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