Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Two years of Special Military Operation: Dynamics of changes in the attitude of youth

The article presents results of a study of young people’s attitude towards the Special Military Operation (hereinafter – the SMO). Data from monthly measurements carried out from March 2022 to January 2024 by Levada Center (recognized as a foreign agent in Russia), as well as the results of two online surveys (n = 2872) and a series of focus group interviews of young people (n = 74) conducted in November 2022 and November 2023 by employees of the Department of Political Science of Saratov State University are analyzed.

Features of agenda setting in Telegram

This article focuses on the aspects of agenda formation in Russian-language Telegram messenger channels. Within the framework of the classical model of M. McCombs and D. Shaw, the main principles of agenda setting by traditional media are analyzed. Building upon the fi ndings of more recent research in the fi eld of agenda setting in the digital space, the authors highlight the advantages of social media as communication platforms and potential reasons for their increasing popularity among both individuals and political actors.

Political image during the electoral period: Based on materials of the pre-election campaign in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2023

The content of the political image of one of the regional Russian leaders during the electoral period (elections of heads of Russian constituent entities in 2023) is studied in the article. The purpose of the paper is to identify the features of the symbolic and semantic content of the network image of a regional political leader during the pre-election period. Fulfi llment of the set research goal is carried out using the concept of the image-role construct and methods of content analysis (qualitative-quantitative type) and comparative analysis.

State management of anti-corruption processes: Theoretical, methodological, political and legal aspects

The authors explore current problems of public administration of processes related to combating corruption, focusing on its theoretical, methodological, political and legal aspects. This is due to the fact that the society has formed a demand to ensure resolute counteraction to corruption, the spread of which creates an existential threat to Russian society. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the eff orts of the government, business and civil society, including the scientifi c and expert community, aimed at solving this problem.

Policy regarding fertility and healthy lifestyles in Russia: Features of incentives for citizens

Social and demographic problems associated with an increase in the birth rate and the number of citizens leading a healthy lifestyle have many intersection points both in the field of health and in the fi eld of socio-economic relations. Projects to improve fertility indicators and healthy lifestyles, presented in strategic documents and relevant policies, refl ect diff erent attitudes of the authorities towards stimulating citizens.

Specifi cs of political science interpretation of political identities of young people N

The article substantiates the diff erence between political science and sociological approaches to the analysis of political identities of young people. The authors come to the conclusion that the sociological approach in most cases assumes that political identities of citizens are analyzed and interpreted by the researcher as relevant at the time of conducting sociological research as a resource and tool for political selfreproduction of the social system.

The main trends in the participation of domestic representative institutions in the state foreign policy mechanism

The article considers the features of the functioning of early models of the Russian foreign policy mechanism. With this in mind, in the process of research, institutional, historical-genetic and activity methods have been applied. On the basis of a retrospective analysis, the traditional features of domestic systems for making and implementing foreign policy decisions that functioned within the framework of the Ancient Russian State, the Moscow State and the Russian Empire have been characterized.

Strategic planning in public administration as a political system of institutional instruments and goal-setting mechanisms

The article is devoted to the subject fi eld of political science research within the scientifi c specialty “Public Administration and sectoral policies” and the analysis of the practice of state strategic planning as a political system of institutional instruments and goal-setting mechanisms in the Russian Federation. The article discusses public political and legal mechanisms for combining values and goals with the choice of ways and methods to achieve them.

Basic scholarly interpretations of new markers of political identification of youth in modern Russia

The article examines the main trends in understanding political identifi cation of the main groups of Russian youth in the last year and a half.

Digitalization and patriotic education: Confl ict of two basic state strategies to form political identity of Russian youth

There are two important directions within the structure of current Russian domestic policy, i.e. the policy of patriotic education of youth and the policy of digitalization of various areas of public and state, as well as private life of citizens. Based on the idea of the need for a state to maintain the integrity and consistency of its political interests and management decisions, both directions should complement each other and thereby make domestic policy more eff ective.
