Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Limits of Political Harmonization of Interests of Employees and Employers in the Framework of Tripartism: the Deconstruction of European Experience

The paper discusses the problems of the evolution of European tripartism as the political institution, aimed at harmonization of interests of employees and employers, the comparative analysis of European models of tripartism is made, the sources of country differences towards the role of public participation in the system of tripartism are disclosed.

«Real Policy» at Work (to a Question of Ideological Views of I. F. Nazhivin)

The ideological views of L. N. Tolstoy companion, the Russian writer I. F. Nazhivin, shaped by the beginning of the 20th years of the XX century under the influence of radical political transformation in Russia are considered in article. Influence of intra emigrant struggle of opinions on evolution of views of the writer throughout the intermilitary period (the 20–30th years of the XX century), and also his vision of Russian state and Europe future in the conditions of an aggravation of public contradictions is analyzed.

The Idea of National Self-determination of South Ossetia in the Context of Separation of the Ossetian People

This article explores the idea of national self-determination of South Ossetia in the context of the separation of Ossetian people. The author tries to explore the influence of the situation of ethnic division on the formation of the South Ossetian national idea and the role this situation has played in the process of final implementation of this idea.

The Concept «Islamic World» and a Global Context of its Politization

This paper studies the main interpretations of concept «Islamic world» as well as it’s modifications as a result of migration processes in modern globalization. The author observes the crucial factors of politization of «Islamic world» in Western Europe and in Russia.

Counteraction to Nationalism in the Conditions of Realization of Policy of State Security of the Russian Federation

In the article the comparative analysis the practician of realization of a security policy (USA, Japan, Russia) is carried out. Domestic experience of counteraction to nationalism in the conditions of safety at the international, state and regional levels is presented. Regional features of implementation of target programs in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation as tool of effective national policy are defined.

The Concept of «Regional Political Regime» as a Theoretical Basis for Understanding of Post-soviet Russian Transistion

In paper studies explanatory potential of the concept of «regional political regime» in the context of discussion about the nature of post-Soviet Russian transformation. The author argues that the term «political regime» is specifying and clarifying the key characteristics of evolution of political relations in uncertain. In article is getting over two main mistakes on the term «regional political regime».

Analogous Forms of Civil Society (Exemplified by African Countries)

The author considers analogous forms of civil society in countries of the South exemplified by African states. Foundation, development, specifics, and peculiarities of civil society in this region of the world are analyzed. It is stated that burgeoning civil society models of non-Western areal have their own specific features, which are determined by special character of civilizational development of the countries.

Globalizational Context of the Modern Political Process

The author tries to analyze the facts caused by the processes of globalization, Internet-communication, social stratification, and development of mass society which objectively destabilize modern political process.

Methodological Aspects of Designing a Legal State

The article explores the problem of the designing a legal state as a part of theorizing in the field of the model of democracy for modern Russia. It is analyzed the mechanical and organic approaches to the decide this question, and also the differences between them in the context of the works of I. A. Ilyin is devoted to post-Soviet development of Russia.

Inversion of the Oppositional Status of the Yabloko Party in the Context of Strained International Relations

The paper discusses the evolution of Yabloko’s oppositional status of in the post-Soviet period, the factors that conditioned its special position in the liberal wing and itsrelations with other liberal forces. The emphasis is placed on the analysis of changes that have occurred in the party’spolitical message in theclimateof a crisis in Russia-Ukraine relations and an escalation in the international context.
