Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Публичная политическая коммуникация и краудсорсинг: от толпы к публике

The article says that at our time has accelerated the processes of formation of public political communication. The author describes the difference between crowd and public; shows the role of crowdsourcing in this process.

Проблемы методологии исследования политического ислама в современной России

In this paper analyzes a theoretical and metodological approaches toward study Islamic factor in modern Russian politics. The author sctutinize this process in the context of globalization and development of activity of the Islamic extremist forces in different regions of the contemporary world.

Антиконфликтный потенциал социокультурной интеграции: этнорегиональная специфика и основные теоретические подходы

The paper is devoted to research of theoretical approaches to analysis of sociocultural integration as a tool for resolving regional conflicts. Author focuses on the ability of sociocultural integration to transformation of destructive identity-based conflicts. The author considers the systemic factors of the identity-based conflicts and emphasizes destabilizing role of the politicization of ethnicity.

Предвыборная кампания как фактор политических конфликтов в современной России

The author considers the problem of correlation between the notions of political competition and political conflicts in the context of an electoral campaign in contemporary Russia, evaluates their functionality as parameters of the political system’s degree of democracy, and characterizes the main types of institutional and interpersonal conflict relations within the electoral period.

Risk-causing Potential of Transformation of Images of Women and Men in Politics

The article examines the category of political transformation, political risks through the prism of gender approach. Examines trends in change the process of formation and perception of women and men in society and politics. The possible mechanisms and stages of transformation of images of women and men in politics and the risky potential of this process in which there is the prospect of changes in contemporary gender order and formation of the new.

Limits of Political Harmonization of Interests of Employees and Employers in the Framework of Tripartism: the Deconstruction of European Experience

The paper discusses the problems of the evolution of European tripartism as the political institution, aimed at harmonization of interests of employees and employers, the comparative analysis of European models of tripartism is made, the sources of country differences towards the role of public participation in the system of tripartism are disclosed.

«Real Policy» at Work (to a Question of Ideological Views of I. F. Nazhivin)

The ideological views of L. N. Tolstoy companion, the Russian writer I. F. Nazhivin, shaped by the beginning of the 20th years of the XX century under the influence of radical political transformation in Russia are considered in article. Influence of intra emigrant struggle of opinions on evolution of views of the writer throughout the intermilitary period (the 20–30th years of the XX century), and also his vision of Russian state and Europe future in the conditions of an aggravation of public contradictions is analyzed.
