Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology


In article interpretations of a social concept “patriotism” in russian socio-philosophical, socio-political literature and fiction which are concentrated on search and extraction of the basic factor forming patriotic attitude of the personality, social group, society in general are considered. Special attention is paid to modern view to traditional for the Russian social thought understanding of patriotism.


Article analyzes tendency of the return of post-Soviet mass consciousness to the idea of patriotic education of citizens as a technology that provides a pre-planned result. An explanation is offeredof the reasonswhy attempts by state and public institutions to follow this idea in their public activities often lead to an unplanned result, to the spread of nationalistic sentiments in civil society.

Публичная дипломатия в урегулировании конфликтов: возможности для Центральной Азии

The article deals with public diplomacy’s conflict-resolution potential in Central Asia. The author notes that in the existing research discourse public diplomacy is analyzed generally in the context of peace-time practice. The conflict-resolution potential of the given phenomenon often appears out of the sight of scientific works.

Проблематика общественной дипломатии в политическом и научном дискурсе современной России

Key interpretations of social and public diplomacy within political and scholarly discourses are considered in this article. The inference is made that both notions (i.e. social and public diplomacy) are often used interchangeably in scholarship that, in its turn, leads to inexpedient confusion over subjective and attribute features of the term while attempting to encompass answers to two main questions: who conducts diplomacy and how is it conducted?

А. И. Деникин: «работать в интересах национальной России…»

In article the public and political position of one of leaders of the “white» movement, the former AFSR (The Armed Forces of South Russia) commander General Anton Ivanovich Denikin is analyzed. Various parts of political process are considered (all-European and intra emigrant), the ideological and military confrontation related to it (which was monitored by A. I. Denikin) are analyzed.

Социальные медиа как инструмент публичной политики в современной России

In article scientific interpretations of the concept “social media” are considered, functions (communicative, relativistic) and tendencies of their development during a modern information era reveal. It is proved that social media give the chance of upholding of interests in public space to both ordinary citizens, and the opposition movements. The Russian network community actively carries out political dialogue by means of social media, forming a public discourse and new forms of mass communication. 

Способы противодействия политическим манипуляциям в СМИ

The main methods to counteract manipulative techniques used by mass media for political purposes are considered in this article. Among others, the author argues the necessity to compare information from different news sources, to check credibility of the facts conveyed by journalists, and to evaluate the extent to which a story is balanced.

Институт прямых президентских выборов в парламентских республиках

The article analyzes the impact of the institution of direct presidential elections on the form of government in the conditions of a parliamentary republic. The author identifies five models of the outcome of the introduction of popular elections, of which the parliamentary system remains in three models (Iceland, Ireland and the Czech Republic), and in the other two the transition to semi-presidential (France) and presidential systems (Turkey) occurs. Author’s assessment of the role of popular presidential elections in the parliamentary system is given

Интеграция институтов публичной политики в Волгоградской области: практики реализации межсекторного взаимодействия

The article analyzes practices of the intersectoral interaction in the public space in the Volgograd region. Conditions and factors, that determine the communication strategies used by institutions in the modern regional space of public policy, are specified. Strategies of political development of the Volgograd region, based on integration as the most modern and effective form of communication, are proposed.

«Революционный соблазн» современных обществ и элит

The article substantiates the possibility of improving the methodology of studying modern (“color”) revolutions. It is argued that the methodology, based on the researchers’ ideas of politicaltechnologies nature of these revolutions and focused on their analysis through the prism of political technologies, obviously narrows the possibilities of political science in studying of this phenomenon.
