Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Ведущие «левые» партии России в канун выборов в Государственную Думу 2021 года

Stances of “Communist Party of the Russian Federation” and “Fair Russia” as two main left parties on the eve of State Duma election-2021 are considered in the article. Based on the analysis of CPRF leaders’ reaction to January protest campaign, the author concludes that there are some signs of crisis within the party and pinpoints reasons of communists’ inability to crucially change their image and electoral resources for the upcoming election.

Влияние политики «мягкой силы» Китая в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе

The article deals with topical issues of the implementation of China’s “soft power” policy in the Asia-Pacifi c region. The growing infl uence of China’s public diplomacy is demonstrated by the example of state programs of technological and economic development integrating tools of interaction with the governments of the Asia-Pacifi c states.

Постсоветский Каспий как геополитическая единица. Проблемы описания и контуры новой исследовательской парадигмы

The purpose of this work is to explore the ways of perception and analysis of geopolitical processes in the Caspian area. At the centre of the analysis is the nature of the intellectual eff orts behind knowledge production and representation of the Caspian. This brings our study to the problem of geopolitical positioning of this mesoregion with the prospect of putting forward a new cognitive perspective.

Имиджевые характеристики субъекта политического процесса – органов МСУ российских городов-миллионников: анализ социальных медиа

This article considers formation of image of thirteen Russian million-plus cities in social media (not including federal cities – Moscow and St. Petersburg). Based on the content analysis of messages posted on the offi cial accounts of local authorities of million-plus cities on the VKontakte social network for the period from September 1 to December 1, 2021, the authors determined the main image characteristics broadcast through offi cial social media accounts.

Основные вызовы развития системы высшего образования в современной России

The article considers the main challenges of the development of the system of higher education in modern Russia, due to the growing confrontation with the United States of America and its Western European allies.

Протестный медиа-активизм в современной России и перспективы его развития

The article attempts to study protest media activism in modern Russia, taking into account the manifestation of its new forms, such as online rallies, as well as an analysis of the prospects for its further application in the protest practice of modern Russia.

Основные институты и практики формирования и развития политики памяти в Саратовской области

In the presented article, the authors understand the policy of memory as a state policy aimed at interpreting historical events within the current political context. The education system, mass media, state authorities, as well as various public organizations are singled out as the main institutions of memory policy formation in modern Russia. The authors pay special attention to the practices of restoring images of the heroic past in the public consciousness of Russians, as well as symbols, rituals, “memory points” and “places of memory” in the Saratov region.

Политические аспекты сопряжения проектов Экономического пояса Шелкового пути и Евразийского экономического союза для Российской Федерации

The article deals with the problem of political conjugation of the projects of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Eurasian Economic Union for the Russian Federation. The author examines key trends in the confi guration of political cooperation of the Russian Federation with China and the EAEU. The article analyzes the Foreign Policy Concept of 2013 and 2016 in the context of considering relations with the EAEU countries. Interests of the Russian Federation and China in the political contingency of the SREB and the EAEU projects are considered in a comparative manner.

Проблема оценки эффективности игровых технологий в рамках формирования политической культуры молодежи в современной России

The author analyzes eff ectiveness of gaming technologies for the formation of political culture of modern Russian youth, reveals the role of the educational system in cultivation of civic responsibility among young people. It is substantiated that the infl uence of a game on the model of political behavior of a young person depends on the type of game model used. Classifi cations of gaming practices are highlighted.

Общественно-политическая активность молодежи Кемеровской области в 2000–2010-е гг.

Kemerovo region signifi cantly diff ers from the neighboring regions in the political sphere. For nearly two decades, the region has demonstrated a high degree of support for the United Russia party. Other political parties, both parliamentary and non-parliamentary, enjoy less support than in the rest of the country. The purpose of this article is to study the dynamics of youth activity as candidates for deputies of the Council of People’s Deputies of Kemerovo Region.
