Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Роль движения ХАМАС в создании палестинского государства: идеология и практика

The relevance of this topic is determined by the significance of the struggle of the Palestinian people for the foundation of their own state. Despite the huge number of publications on this topic, it cannot be considered exhausted due to the fact that new actors are emerging in this process, which respond in their own way to the internal and external challenges that arise around the problem of Palestinian state-building. The article is devoted to identifying the role and significance of the Hamas movement in the foundation of a Palestinian state.

Технологии формирования политической культуры молодежи в современной России

The article analyzes the essential content of the category “technology”, highlights the main approaches to its semantic content, and identifies its key characteristics. The paper substantiates possibility of using technologies to form political culture of young people.

«Жизнь» важнее «свободы»: актуальный тренд в мифологии либерально-демократического процесса

 Reasons and consequences of changes within motivational sphere of contemporary liberal and democratic politics in our country and abroad are analyzed in the article. Inherent in recent liberal and democratic politics, social and mythological concept that civil freedoms are the supreme value and any sacrifices (made by a man or society) to defend them are reasonable is gradually displaced with another stereotypical and socially valuable precept.

Политические аспекты американской помощи Украине накануне парламентских выборов в 2002 году

The article is devoted to the political analysis of the tools used by the United States to withdraw Ukraine from the sphere of economic influence of Russia. Based on the analysis of the materials of individual projects and scientific publications, the authors come to conclusion that by 2002 the expected change of generations of political scientists and economists did not take place in the USA. The tone within the Ukrainian issue continued to be set by the veterans of the Cold War and the financial structures behind them.

Молодежь: субъект-объектный статус в системе молодежной политики муниципального образования

The article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the subject-object status and involvement of young people in the processes of political, social, and economic development of a municipality. The starting point of the research is the assumption that the traditional approach to youth as a socio-demographic group, distinguished by socio-age and professional characteristics, does not correspond to the current dynamics of political processes occurring in municipalities and regions.

Конфликтный и интеграционный потенциал межэтнических и миграционных отношений в Республике Крым (результаты экспертного опроса)

The article presents the results of an expert survey conducted in the Republic of Crimea in November – December 2019. The author analyzes the conflict and integration potential of interethnic and migration relations in the region. In recent years, there has been a low level of participation of public organizations in the adaptation and integration of migrants in the region. The author substantiates the necessity of conducting regular mass regional political and sociological research on interethnic and migration relations.

Особенности электоральной деятельности политических сил «второго эшелона» в современной России

Analysis of the second echelon parties and social associations’ participation in electoral processes within single voting day in September 2020 is presented in the article. An inference is made that as a result of municipal elections in different regions of Russia transformations related to strengthening oppositional forces’ resources have taken place; these transformations can manifest themselves as early as during the State Duma election-2021. Elections have shown that motivation of protest voting “we want reforms” is growing in popularity.

Игра в политику vs. политическая игра: к постановке проблемы (часть 2)

The article analyzes the specifics of the use of game forms in social and political space, as well as in the formation of political culture of Russian youth. The paper identifies and considers in detail the main problem points associated with the use of game technologies for constructing the political culture of young people. The author reveals the key features of the resource potential of gaming technologies and highlights the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of gaming activities.

Болонский процесс как фактор политики реформирования системы высшего образования в современной России

Based on the analysis of scholarly discourse on the results of Bologna Declaration goals and principles’ incorporation into reformation of higher education system in Russia and through their own experience of teaching in higher education institutions, the authors come to conclusion that commitment to accession into the world educational space was caused not so much by real domestic needs to improve home higher education system but by political factors as a result of slow-response impact of a liberal reformation strategy of the 1990s.
