Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Представлениямолодежи о будущемРоссии: провинциальное измерение

The article is devoted to the analysis of the image of political future of Russia, which is present in the mass consciousness of Russian youth and motivates its political participation. The materials for the analysis were obtained by means of a questionnaire. The main trends that are spread among respondents while constructing the image of the future of Russia indicate that the problem of the future, both their own and their country’s, is relevant for modern youth.

Ценностно-идеологический фактор формирования у современной молодежи образа будущего России (региональный кейс)

 The article considers results of social survey on the problems of the image of the future in the views of young people, conducted in 2021 in the Saratov region. Based on the analysis of  the materials obtained, the importance of the value and ideological factor in the formation of various representations of the desired image of the political, social, and economic development of the country is revealed.

Доверие, недоверие и фейковые новости в процессе политической легитимизации

The article examines influence of factors of trust, distrust, and fake news on the level of legitimacy of state power and decisions taken. The position of the authors who establish a clear correlation between the level of legitimacy of the government and the level of development of its democratic institutions is disputed. The legitimacy of power is based on the assessment of the conformity of the position of authority and decisions made to the image of power formed in the civil consciousness and shared ideological positions.

Языковая политика Швейцарии в условиях федерализма

Modern plural societies characterized by ethno-cultural diversity are forming demand for eff ective balance of inter-group relations. The institutionalization of language policy is becoming the way of inter-ethnic relations regulation. The problem of language policy implementation is the relevance in modern European federations, the boundaries of which are overlap on the boundaries of the linguistic communities’ residence. In such cases the language policy of the federal center includes the impact on the federal and regional authorities’ relations.

Отражение концепта «российская угроза» в военно-доктринальных документах прибалтийских государств

It is shown that the fundamental principles of military policy are concretized in documents under the integrative name “military-doctrinal document”. It is often referred to as the theoretical core of military policy. A methodology has been developed for studying military-doctrinal documents of foreign states in the context of the “Russian threat”. The methodology is based on the PEST analysis method with the addition of a military aspect to it.

Возможности исторического институционализма в исследовании особенностей организации местного самоуправления в России

This article considers the possibility of applying the methodology of historical institutionalism in the study of the evolution of the institute of local self-government in Russia. The institute of local self-government in Russia has a rich history and has existed for quite a long time in the context of historical existence of the state, which has undergone a number of signifi cant cardinal changes in its history.

Политический дискурс здоровья и мировоззренческие установки граждан России

Health is declared by citizens as one of the most important values, which makes it possible to address this topic within the framework of political discourse in order to achieve political goals. At the same time, the study of the manifestation and impact of the political discourse of health on the attitude of individual citizens and social groups to the sphere of health remains an understudied area of political science.

Особенности трактовок государственной идеологии в научном дискурсе современной России

Within the framework of this article, the main problems associated with the actualization in domestic social science of scientifi c research on various aspects of the functioning of political ideologies in modern Russia are considered.

Ценностные ориентации молодежи и региональная безопасность

The article analyzes results of an online survey (N = 2021) of young people (aged from 14 to 35 years) living in the Saratov region. The author summarizes answers related to the respondents’ value orientation. It is concluded that the value identifi cation and orientation of young people are infl uenced by the safe conditions of functioning of regional society, as well as global political events.

Коммуникативное измерение государственной миграционной политики

The complication of the migration situation in the world, observed in the 21st century, necessitates the search for optimal mechanisms for regulating population migration both at the global and national and regional levels. These mechanisms must, firstly, correspond to the current heterogeneous confi guration of international migration fl ows, the continuous dynamics of the migration situation, secondly, take into account the network nature of the development of social relations, and, thirdly, comply with modern innovative management technologies.
