Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Политический дискурс здоровья и мировоззренческие установки граждан России

Health is declared by citizens as one of the most important values, which makes it possible to address this topic within the framework of political discourse in order to achieve political goals. At the same time, the study of the manifestation and impact of the political discourse of health on the attitude of individual citizens and social groups to the sphere of health remains an understudied area of political science.

Особенности трактовок государственной идеологии в научном дискурсе современной России

Within the framework of this article, the main problems associated with the actualization in domestic social science of scientifi c research on various aspects of the functioning of political ideologies in modern Russia are considered.

Ценностные ориентации молодежи и региональная безопасность

The article analyzes results of an online survey (N = 2021) of young people (aged from 14 to 35 years) living in the Saratov region. The author summarizes answers related to the respondents’ value orientation. It is concluded that the value identifi cation and orientation of young people are infl uenced by the safe conditions of functioning of regional society, as well as global political events.

Коммуникативное измерение государственной миграционной политики

The complication of the migration situation in the world, observed in the 21st century, necessitates the search for optimal mechanisms for regulating population migration both at the global and national and regional levels. These mechanisms must, firstly, correspond to the current heterogeneous confi guration of international migration fl ows, the continuous dynamics of the migration situation, secondly, take into account the network nature of the development of social relations, and, thirdly, comply with modern innovative management technologies.

Местное самоуправление в единой системе органов публичной власти: предпосылки и перспективы

The article is devoted to the theoretical understanding of the issues of improvement and development of local self-government in the context of transformation of the local self-government status in modern Russia, which occurred during the adoption of amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020. The adopted amendments were the result of the work of the working group formed by the initiative of the President of Russia V. V. Putin. A working group has been formed for the preparation of proposals for amendments to the Constitution.

Особенности продвижения молодых руководителей в рамках конкурсных процедур на должности глав муниципальных образований Алтайского края 2017–2020 гг.

The Russian political sphere has witnessed a clear trend towards the rejuvenation of federal and regional heads. Science and practice have proven that young people have innovating thinking, are energetic and more motivated for results. Now at the federal level the corporate style in the implementation of the state personnel policy prevails. The aim of the research is to study the processes of updating executives at the local government level in the Altai Territory.

Политические и экономические риски энергетической безопасности в глобальном мире (на примере России)

The article discusses the energy security of the Russian Federation in the context of aspects of national security. The transnational level of energy security is investigated, where global risks are taken into account. Attention is drawn to the unfriendly actions of actors who are unfriendly to the Russian Federation (on the example of the construction of the Nord Stream). Moreover, the blocking of certain sections of the Nord Stream is no longer correlated with economic expediency, the prevention of Moscow’s hegemony in the energy sector by the EU.

Идеологические предпочтения молодежи как фактор представлений о желаемом будущем России

The article considers results of a representative social survey (N = 2021) and focus groups conducted in November 2022 on the issues of value motivation of young people’s attitude to the main directions of state policy in modern Russia.

Научный взгляд на ценностные установки современной российской молодёжи: почему не складывается целостная картина?

The publication presents the author’s explanation of the reason why the picture of the value political orientations of young people, created by the eff orts of many domestic researchers, does not look holistic and convincing enough to be used as an indisputable argument when choosing directions and methods for implementing state youth policy. The problem is not that diff erent researchers build a hierarchy of values in diff erent ways, to which the minds of young people are oriented.

К вопросу о сетевизации политического имиджа современного лидера: результаты эмпирического анализа

The networkization of the modern fi eld of public policy is studied in the paper. With the help of the information society theory and the image-role construct concept, the content of the image of the regional leader - the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region G.S. Nikitin is analyzed in the research. A qualitative-quantitative type of content analysis was chosen as the main empirical method of research, and the information array of data was made up of news reports from the Website of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Government.
