Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Грани медиаобразования в трудах научной школы А. В. Федорова: политические аспекты

Empirical base of this article is comprised of five monographs by A.V. Fedorov and his colleagues published from 2013 to 2015. The author highlights several, from his point of view, the most urgent and important issues touched on in the writings considered. An idea is substantiated that necessity to develop social and political model of media education is becoming patently obvious nowadays.

Перестройка в СССР: между идеологическим концептом и реальностью

The article presents the result of reflection on the contradictions between the ideological and theoretical substantiation of the concepts “acceleration” and “perestroika” and their real results, which became one of the most important reasons of collapse of the socialist system and the USSR.

Место и роль национально-культурных организаций в политическом пространстве саратовского приграничья

The article analyzes the influence of ethnic factor in the post-Soviet space using the example of the Saratov region. On the basis of a public survey conducted in eight districts of the region, the activities of national and cultural organizations as subjects of civil society and the regional political process are considered. Their interaction with the authorities, difficulties, and contradictions arising in the process of implementing the programs and goals of national and cultural organizations are studied.

Формирование патриотизма: политико-идеологические смыслы и технологии

The article considers political and ideological aspects of patriotism and technologies of its formation in modern conditions. The author shows that patriotic problematic is traditional for social and political discourse and remains relevant nowadays. The need for a deep and comprehensive theoretical and methodological study of the state policy on patriotic education of Russians was proved. The approaches to develop a model of modern patriotism which corresponds to the image of our Fatherland’s future were outlined.

Ведущие «левые» партии России в канун выборов в Государственную Думу 2021 года

Stances of “Communist Party of the Russian Federation” and “Fair Russia” as two main left parties on the eve of State Duma election-2021 are considered in the article. Based on the analysis of CPRF leaders’ reaction to January protest campaign, the author concludes that there are some signs of crisis within the party and pinpoints reasons of communists’ inability to crucially change their image and electoral resources for the upcoming election.

Влияние политики «мягкой силы» Китая в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе

The article deals with topical issues of the implementation of China’s “soft power” policy in the Asia-Pacifi c region. The growing infl uence of China’s public diplomacy is demonstrated by the example of state programs of technological and economic development integrating tools of interaction with the governments of the Asia-Pacifi c states.

Постсоветский Каспий как геополитическая единица. Проблемы описания и контуры новой исследовательской парадигмы

The purpose of this work is to explore the ways of perception and analysis of geopolitical processes in the Caspian area. At the centre of the analysis is the nature of the intellectual eff orts behind knowledge production and representation of the Caspian. This brings our study to the problem of geopolitical positioning of this mesoregion with the prospect of putting forward a new cognitive perspective.

Имиджевые характеристики субъекта политического процесса – органов МСУ российских городов-миллионников: анализ социальных медиа

This article considers formation of image of thirteen Russian million-plus cities in social media (not including federal cities – Moscow and St. Petersburg). Based on the content analysis of messages posted on the offi cial accounts of local authorities of million-plus cities on the VKontakte social network for the period from September 1 to December 1, 2021, the authors determined the main image characteristics broadcast through offi cial social media accounts.

Основные вызовы развития системы высшего образования в современной России

The article considers the main challenges of the development of the system of higher education in modern Russia, due to the growing confrontation with the United States of America and its Western European allies.
