Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Особенности электоральной деятельности политических сил «второго эшелона» в современной России

Analysis of the second echelon parties and social associations’ participation in electoral processes within single voting day in September 2020 is presented in the article. An inference is made that as a result of municipal elections in different regions of Russia transformations related to strengthening oppositional forces’ resources have taken place; these transformations can manifest themselves as early as during the State Duma election-2021. Elections have shown that motivation of protest voting “we want reforms” is growing in popularity.

Игра в политику vs. политическая игра: к постановке проблемы (часть 2)

The article analyzes the specifics of the use of game forms in social and political space, as well as in the formation of political culture of Russian youth. The paper identifies and considers in detail the main problem points associated with the use of game technologies for constructing the political culture of young people. The author reveals the key features of the resource potential of gaming technologies and highlights the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of gaming activities.

Болонский процесс как фактор политики реформирования системы высшего образования в современной России

Based on the analysis of scholarly discourse on the results of Bologna Declaration goals and principles’ incorporation into reformation of higher education system in Russia and through their own experience of teaching in higher education institutions, the authors come to conclusion that commitment to accession into the world educational space was caused not so much by real domestic needs to improve home higher education system but by political factors as a result of slow-response impact of a liberal reformation strategy of the 1990s.

Сетевой и иерархический формат цифровой пропаганды в политическом коммуникативном пространстве

The article is devoted to the analysis of the category of “digital propaganda” in the context of the development of political communicative and primarily tele-communicative environment. The emphasis is placed on considering the network and hierarchical format of digital propaganda, reflecting the specifics of the modern Internet environment. The reasons for the possible weakening of propaganda impact on social media are substantiated, measures to increase the effectiveness of digital propaganda are proposed.

«Этничность» и «политичность»: инверсия в современной мифологии гражданской политической субъектности

The article is devoted to analysis of one of the reasons why today in the world, including Russia and “Western” states with long-standing liberal traditions, governing elites and civil societies’ critical attitude to institutions, values, and practices of liberal democratic policy is growing. The author explains the grow of such dissatisfaction by inversion of two stereotypical (social and mythological) civil identities and corresponding motivations for political participation.

Новая парадигма политического проектирования современного государства

The article contains results of analysis of the historical change of paradigms presented by mass visions of the place and mission of a state within political process; the paradigms within which society designed political functionality of the “state of the future”. The author proves that in the face of pandemic and active fight of modern state institutions against it, social interest in optimization of political functions’ allocation between civil society and bureaucratic structures has risen.

Активизация ресурса исторической памяти в современной политике

The article contains analysis of the reasons why the resource of the historical memory of civil societies and power elites is beginning to be actively used in the modern foreign and domestic policy of many countries, including Russia. The article describes the positive consequences of such a construction of political motivations, as well as the risks associated with the weakening of the influence of ideologies on political processes.

Религиозный модернизм и фундаментализм в национальной модели политической модернизации

Being a social religious institution, the church influences the formation of basic national values and specific features of national culture. In the process of modernization, there is a process of politicization of religion through the interaction of religious and political institutions. Due to the difference in the dynamics of modernization transformations and the adaptation of religion to new historical conditions, religious and political institutions acquire unique forms of interaction.

Роль Турции в сирийском конфликте: анализ работ российских авторов

The article is devoted to the analysis of thematic frames within the Russian scholarly publications on Turkey’s participation in the Syrian conflict. The author highlights the following thematic blocks: the historical nature of Syrian-Turkish relations, the “Kurdish factor” of Turkish policy in the Syrian conflict, Russian-Turkish relations, relations between Turkey and the United States. 

Язык ненависти и манипуляция как особенности современно

In the modern world the so-called hate speech is gaining ground. It is particularly used within the framework of the political communication. This process is accompanied by the strengthening of the manipulative influence upon the society and it can be seen as one of its manifestations. Hate speech may precede serious social upheavals and revolutions but it can also be used as a method of enslavement of man by the all-powerful state creating the illusory enemies. 
