Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Социальная инфраструктура города как отражение качества физического пространства

The modern process of urbanization actualizes the urban space social infrastructure organization quality. The article deals with organizing as one of most important components of the city’s social infrastructure – a physical space. The physical urban space is considered as a complex and diverse organism, consisting of certain clusters: nature-ecological, engineering, transport, culturally-historical, socially-settling. They form a single, complementary and ever-changing system that provides urban residents with a full range of functions.

Некоторые аспекты эволюции феномена социальной коммуникации

The article is devoted to sociological reflection of social communication and channels typology. The chronotypes of communication process – genetic, psychological, and social are considered. The typology characteristics of communication processes in diachronic and synchronic aspects are presented. It is shown that communication typology reflects the humankind evolution, an individual being a social communication subject. The characteristics of social communication as a process of exchanging meanings in social space and time are given.

Физическая культура и спорт как социальное пространство

The article considers the theoretical aspects of the phenomenon of physical culture and sport as a social space in the framework of the main provisions of Pierre Bourdieu sociological theory. A retrospective review of scientific sources on the impact of physical culture and sports on various aspects of human life is made. Empirical studies allowing to apply the classical concepts of “social space”, “field”, “types of capital”, and “practice of agents” to physical culture and sports activities are noted.

Социокультурный контекст речевых конфликтов

The article highlights the problem of socio-cultural nature of speech conflicts. Communicators’ speech activity is conditioned both by inner and external factors of communication situation. Communicators’ personal types are of great importance, as well as their communication schemes. Personal values and principles define human motivation and intention. The asymmetry of communication activity, a speech one included, causes a lot of various conflicts.

Социологические аспекты благоустройства заовражных территорий города Саратова

The article discusses the problems of urban development of the contaminated territories of Saratov aimed at improving this territory. Particular attention is paid to the substantiation and necessity of using in sociological studies of a modern city such a concept as a socio-territorial community, which is interpreted as a form of social life, where a certain set of individuals has the same type of relationship to a specific territory. Glebutchev ravine was chosen as a contagious model polygon.

Смысловые составляющие позднего вдовства

В статье осуществляется содержательный анализ позднего вдовства, расставляются акценты на наиболее значимых смысловых и структурных характеристиках, сопровождающих его трудностях и переживаниях. Выделяется специфика позднего вдовства, связанная с распадом унитарного супружеского союза, с повышением степени риска и неопределенности повседневной жизни как в социокультурном, так и в витальном смысле. Особое внимание уделяется фольклорным образам вдовствующих людей, которые в значительной степени формируют базовые стереотипы.

Атомный ЗАТО как особый тип моногорода: перспективы и проблемы развития

The article deals with the features of closed nuclear cities (CATF), identifying the environmental features. The problem of CATF is the completion of the Soviet atomic project, and the need of formating CATF. The development prospects of CATF are seen in rebooting and developing the industrial potential in the direction of nuclear energy technologies and science-intensive industrie.

Некоторые дисфункциональные аспекты социальной конкуренции в вузах

In modern conditions of profound changes in Russian social reality socio-cultural space and social competition became a powerful factor contributing to the mobilization of the activity of individuals, groups, society as a whole. The desire of people to take a more favorable social position, the struggle for various resources construct new models of human behavior, new practices. Social competition is viewed as a form of social ties and the type of social interactions reflecting the ability of achieving goals in conditions of competition with others.

Концептуализация понятия «мегаполис»: формально-количественный, правовой, функциональный и системный подходы

The article considers various methodological approaches to the definition of a megacity, reveals the relationship between the concepts of “megalopolis”, “megacity”, “megapolitan type city”. The differences between foreign and Russian traditions in the definition of a megacity are revealed. It is concluded that the specificity of the “megacity” interpretation in Russian science is determined by the objective conditions for the formation and development of large Russian cities.

Этнократическая элита в структуре элитных групп современного российского общества

The article examines the features of the complex and multifaceted phenomenon of the ethnocratic elite. The general features of this elite group, which is an integral part of regional elite groups and the characteristic features developing under the influence of both general civilizational factors and local ones, including the peculiarities of recruiting, traditions and established principles of the functioning of power institutions, are revealed.
