Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Молодежь: субъект-объектный статус в системе молодежной политики муниципального образования

The article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the subject-object status and involvement of young people in the processes of political, social, and economic development of a municipality. The starting point of the research is the assumption that the traditional approach to youth as a socio-demographic group, distinguished by socio-age and professional characteristics, does not correspond to the current dynamics of political processes occurring in municipalities and regions.

Социальная сингулярность и лиминальность как факторы жизнедеятельности современной молодежи

Youth is a social group reproducing both positive experience and negative trends in social transformations. Modern society, in turn, is characterized by complex, contradictory and multidirectional trends. A high proportion of risk and uncertainty gives rise to the social space collapse phenomenon and the of the digital environment expansion up to the formation of the digital reality, leading to the fact that virtual practices are formed alongside real behavioral strategies.

Социально-демографические факторы репродуктивных установок и практик молодежи в России и Саратовском регионе

The article on the results of sociological studies conducted in Saratov and Russia reveals the socio-demographic factors of the reproductive attitudes of young people. The analysis of the data revealed that with age the acceptable and appropriate period of birth of the first child increases, the level of childbearing in the reproductive practices of young people increases, and the responsible attitude towards the appearance of children increases. However, the majority of young people (57.3%) do not consider children as a guarantee of personal, family happiness.

Соотношение мифологических, идеологических и образно-символических механизмов конструирования государственной идентичности

The article considers the place of figurative and symbolic cultural phenomena in the process of forming the state identity of modern Russian youth. These phenomena are considered from the point of view of the possibility of direct influence on the value consciousness by using the socio-psychological potential of “aesthetic information” (A. Mol). The correlation of the figurative and symbolic aspects of the formation of state identity with the mythological and ideological aspects of this process is shown.

Социальные функции молодежных объединений через призму мнения активистов

According to the results of the sociological survey conducted in 2019 (N = 350 people on probability quota-target sample), the synthesis of social and individual needs of young people was revealed when social solidarity as an urgent need is combined in the work of its associations with functional emotionality, satisfaction from meaningful fullness of interesting and useful activities.

Динамика социального самочувствия саратовской молодежи: трудоустройство, ценности и опасения

The article on the results of sociological monitoring conducted by questionnaire in Saratov in 2019 and 2020 (the volume of the probabilistic quota sample was 546 and 548 representatives of the younger generation, respectively), reveals the main parameters of the social well-being of young people and shows their dynamics in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is revealed that the relative stability is observed in the labor sphere as a whole. However, the confidence of young people in the demand for the obtained specialty decreased.

Политические стратегии молодежи: будет ли наша политика молодой?

The article reflects dispositions, factorial models of choice, life strategies in the field of political trajectories of modern Russian youth on the basis of the empirical sociological research. The author’s typology of political dispositions of youth showing the importance of political aspirations in the ranks of life values, is given. The problematic issues in the implementation of the Russian youth policy regarding the support of political activity and political literacy of Russian youth, the development of their electoral interest and activity are identified.

Самоидентификациямолодежи Московского региона какфактор конструирования образа будущего России

The article is based on the study “Political identifi cation of youth in the Moscow region” conducted in May-June 2021 on the basis of the Center for Political Science of the ISPR FCTAS RAS. It describes the features of the political and ideological identifi cation of youth in Moscow and the Moscow region, which are considered as the most important factor in political behavior and civil activity. The authors identifi ed the groups of young people according to their self-identifi cation, based on a civilizational approach.

Демографический потенциал стран Юго-Восточной Азии в контексте образовательной политики России

In accordance with the national policy of the Russian Federation in the fi eld of education, the state is making eff orts to attract foreign students to the country’s universities. The Southeast Asia, with its signifi cant demographic potential and prospects for economic growth is one of the promising areas for expanding the export of the Russian education.

Социальная регуляция рисков пандемии в оценках молодежи

The article analyzes the attitude of young people to the actions of the Government of the Russian Federation to reduce the risks of a pandemic. The attitude contains multilevel ideas about what should be and what exists in the activities of government structures and is refl ected in value judgments.
