Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Контроль на выборах: политико-правовой аспект

ВIn Russian practice, election control is a part of any election campaign. According to the current electoral legislation of the Russian Federation, a fairly wide range of people have the right to exercise control, in addition, web cameras are used at polling stations for observation. The amendments to the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation are aimed at strengthening control over the voting process and counting the votes of voters in elections.

Эволюция функциональности идеологий в партийном строительстве в современной России

The article deals with the main trends in the evolution of the functionality of ideologies in the activities of parties in post-Soviet Russia. It is concluded that in modern conditions the traditional role of ideologies as an identifier and marking factor of parties in the political space is significantly reduced. At the same time, the motivational role of various ideological values, which are most often used by parties, regardless of the formal declaration of commitment to a particular ideology, continues to be significant.

«Исторический метод» современного политического исследования: проблемы интерпретации

The subject of analysis in this article is the meaning of the “historical method”, on which domestic political studies are based today. The author comes to the conclusion that this meaning is close to that which is followed by representatives of other modern humanitarian sciences when they use the general scientific “historical method” to study the order and dynamics of changes in natural and social systems in the past. This meaning, however, is variable.

Энергетическиий аспект современной российской внешней политики на Ближнем Востоке

The paper examines events that not only changed the energy and geopolitical picture of the Middle East, but also led to the fact that Russia became the unconditional beneficiary of all these changes. The causes and factors of the appearance of Russia in this region as one of the key political players in the modern world are considered. The focus of the study is the energy and the foreign policy context behind it of Russian actions in the Middle East.

Концепт «цивилизационный политический проект»: между теорией цивилизаций и проектным подходом

There are many approaches to analyzing global politics within modern scholarship including ideal theoretical models of analysis and empirical approaches. Nevertheless, theoretical and empirical approaches do not allow scholars to interpret some political changes in modern world. Modern politics is in need of a new analytical approach that would combine civilization theory and project approach. The analysis of the value bases of large-scale political projects made us conclude that they are mainly of civilizational character.

Образы будущего в политологическом и публичном дискурсах современной России

The article is about the images of Russia’s future presented within scholarly and public discourses in post-Soviet Russia. Based on the analysis of certain projects and scholarly publications, the author concludes that formation of positive image of Russia’s future within public conscience is a matter of competitiveness of the variant promoted by ruling party and ideological variant of the “left” future. Current fragmentation of the “left” segment of party system does not allow relying on its victory on the nearest elections.

Традиционные и нормативные основы политической функциональности государства в современной России

The article considers traditional and normative bases of providing the balance between the state’s political functionality and civil society in post-soviet Russia. Exemplified by one of the most important articles of the Russian Constitution, possibility of different interpretation of the social state’s functionality and civil society potential for public problem solving in contemporary Russia is shown.

«Ценность» как требование к качеству современного политического исследования (Часть первая)

The article is the first part of the study aiming at specifying expediency of using the “scholarly research value” criterion while assessing political science dissertations and other papers. The author analyzes reasons why this criterion is of high interest among Russian scholars and experts nowadays. Key problems of filling the notions “value” and “evaluation” with the meaning corresponding to actual goals of political science dissertations, monographs, and articles’ analysis are pinpointed.
