Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Гипотеза в политическом исследовании

The author proposes a solution to the problem of formulating a hypothesis in a political science research. In solving this problem, researchers, especially beginners, often encounter great difficulties. The article analyzes the natural causes of such difficulties. One of them is the lack of experiment with the object of research within humanitarian studies (including political). These are also problems of scientific expediency of statements made by political scientists regarding certain assumptions about the subject, method, and expected results of their research.

Особенности государственной политики в области использования и охраны лесов в Российской Федерации

The article deals with topical issues of reform policy for the purposes of effective forest legislation and state management of forest ownership, use and protection, management of forest resources in the Russian Federation, taking into account the existing contradictions in the forms of ownership of forests and the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the current state of forests.

Теория Новороссии в крымском социально-гуманитарном дискурсе

The article considers the problem of interpretation of the theory of Novorossia within the Crimean social and humanitarian discourses. Opinions of the researchers have been presented. It was shown that the Crimean scholars were able to derive a number of important provisions that are relevant to the theory. They explored the specifics of the study of the space of Novorossia, suggesting the interpretation of its borders.

Теоретико-методологические подходы к анализу игровых технологий: социально-политический аспект

The article deals with the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of “game technology” on the basis of social and political determinism of this category. The paper analyzes the political component of game models, identifies their main types, forms and functions, and systematizes the study of game practices in the social and political spheres.

Особенности функционирования электоральной арены политического участия в современном российском обществе

The configuration of the electoral arena of political participation indicates the presence of significant problems in its functioning, among which are the following. Firstly, in Russian society, there was a classification of only one electoral practice — voting, while only a limited number of people mastered other political actions important for the development of this arena. Secondly, there is an ambivalence of ideas about the functionality of elections, which negatively affects the basic trust in this institution.

Общественный контроль в политической системе российского региона: проблемы и перспективы развития

The article analyzes the current state and prospects of political institutionalization of public control in the regions of the Russian Federation. The author highlights key areas and problematic aspects of the participation of public institutions in shaping the political space of the region, assesses trends in the development of the political and legal mechanism of interaction between civil society and government in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and formulates proposals aimed at increasing the effectiveness of public control subjects.

Политическая и органично интегрированная реклама: проблемы правового регулирования и направления их решения

The article deals with the problems of legislative regulation of political and organically integrated advertising, as well as the balance between political advertising, electoral campaigning, campaigning on referendum, and social advertising. It is concluded that there is a need for the adoption of a new law “On political advertising”, which extends the principles of integrity and reliability used for commercial advertising for political advertising, as well as fixes other restrictions for it acting for standard forms of advertising.

Политическая технология брендирования региона как возможность формирования его положительного имиджа и повышения инвестиционной привлекательности

The paper discusses issues of the Russian Federation regions branding on the example of the Saratov Region. Regional executive authorities’ actions on the official symbols introduction and creation of territory brand, as well as development of investors informational support system through the Investment Portal of the Saratov Region in order to create regional positive image are analyzed. The practicability of the Saratov Region branding at the current stage of economic development is identified and justified.

Имидж политического лидера в эпоху цифровых медиа-технологий: особенности формирования

The problem of forming the image of a political leader using digital media technologies is, no doubt, urgent. The development of digital technologies and creation of new technological methods of political activity on their basis is happening so rapidly that researchers simply do not have time to comprehend the processes taking place. In this regard, any research that addresses this issue in a particular area is of great importance.

Игра в политику vs. политическая игра: к постановке проблемы (часть 1)

The article analyzes the specifics of the use of game forms in the sociopolitical space, as well as in the formation of political culture of Russian youth. The paper identifies and considers in detail the main problem points associated with the use of game technologies for constructing the political culture of young people.
