Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Социальная справедливость как ценностный ориентир изменений в Конституции РФ

The article is about key value models of social justice presented in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the level they are embodied in real social, political, and economic life of modern Russia. The author evaluates constitutional changes proposed in terms of their correspondence to popular visions of social justice and fair structure of society.

Социальные медиа как инструмент формирования политической картины мира современной молодежи (на материалах Нижегородского региона)

The article is based on the material of applied research conducted among students of N. Novgorod, studying the political values of young people developing in the communicative space of social media, the role of network space in shaping the value picture of the world of youth, taking into account the logic of development and functioning of virtual space, its features and principles. The specifics of the impact of social media on the political consciousness (perception) of youth is analyzed, the methodological basis of which was the theory of social networks, P.

Политический протест: теоретико-методологические подходы и интерпретации

The relevance of the study is due to the activation of protest moods in modern Russia, which in case of untimely reaction on the part of the authorities can take an unpredictable, destructive nature. The article is devoted to the study of different approaches in the interpretation of the concept of «protest voting», the analysis of protest voting as a form of manifestation of political protest, the definition of its universal characteristics.

Партийно-идеологический контекст изменений в Конституции РФ

The article considers party and ideological context of the way the Russian Constitution and its possible changes are perceived. Based on the analysis of stances of the leading political parties’ leaders, representing ideological segments of modern Russia, an inference is made that majority of them seek to gain political and image advantage from the discussion of the President’s bill.

«Ценность» как требование к качеству современного политического исследования (Часть вторая)

The article is the second part (a continuation) of the research aimed at defining reasons of heightened interest of Russian academia to using the notion “value of a study” as a tool of evaluation the quality of scholarly product. In this part, the author analyzes hindrances caused by demands to experts to specify what exactly makes a new, topical, theoretically and practically significant research “valuable” in terms of world and domestic science.

Политическая ресурсность региональных СМИ в современной России (на примере ГТРК «Саратов»)

The article contains results of regional media landscape analysis conducted through the lens of political resource potential of mass media in modern Russia. Having defined the key elements of political resource potential, the authors assess ability of the State tele- and radio company “Saratov” to affect regional political process. An inference is made that, compared with non-governmental mass media, media outlets comprising the aforementioned holding company, as a rule, have greater potential for political influence.

Современные информационные технологии как инструмент продвижения национальных интересов России в сфере международных отношений

The main problem tackled in this research deals with information technologies as the instrument of boosting national interests of Russia. The author comes to the conclusion that the information society shows the other side and the subject deals with not only mutual interests in the name of world development, but modification of the international relations on the base of the modern information technologies.

Внешнеполитическая экспертиза: поливариантность исследовательских подходов в политической науке

The main theoretical and methodological approaches that are used in Russian and world political science to study foreign policy expertise and related problems are analyzed in the article. The author concludes that there are so called “procedural”, institutional, system, and network approaches. From the point of view of the first one, foreign policy expertise is a special activity or procedure that is carried out by subjects with special knowledge and status.
