Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Политическая культура современной российской молодежи в контексте медийной грамотности и влияния СМИ

Based on public surveys results’ analysis, the main features of Russia’s youth disposition towards politics are considered in this article. The author describes the media component of the youth political culture within the context of the degree to which their media literacy is formed and suggests pessimistic and optimistic tendencies the phenomenon under consideration has.

Идеологический фактор в деятельности РОДП «Яблоко» в современной России

The article deals with the issue of the role of ideological factor in the activity of the Russian United Democratic Party “YABLOKO” as a part of its positioning in the liberal segment of the party system in post-Soviet Russia, definition of the format and status of the party, substantiation of strategy and tactics regarding the current government, and main directions of domestic and foreign policy. We came to the conclusion that the main goal of G. A.

Мифологическое основание лояльности российских граждан идее партийности либерально-демократической политики

The article suggests an explanation of the phenomenon of stable loyalty of modern Russian electorate to the liberal idea of a multi-party system.Loyalty is in the consent of citizens with the leading role of parties in all electoral campaigns in the post-Soviet period.While most modern Russian parties do not meet the requirements of organization and functionality that follows from the theory of liberal-democratic politics, as well as from foreign experience of political involvement of parties.

Стратегии занятости: в поисках концептуального обоснования инновационной политики

The paper considered approaches to definition of strategy of employment, one of the most widespread concepts of modern researches of labor market. Features of each approach are described: their key categories, methodological assumptions and turning out typology. Restrictions are specified in application of the described approaches and a way of their overcoming.

Бархатная революция в Армении: вызовы и возможности

In the understanding of the Velvet revolution in Armenia, an important role belongs to the logic of the post-Soviet space. Like other post-Soviet states Armenia was doomed to become a country with an oligarchic authoritarian political order. The important element of the post-Soviet transit of Armenia became the Artsakh problem. The April 2016 war made it obvious that under the conditions of an oligarchic authoritarian political order, Armenia is doomed to military defeat, which ultimately led to the 2018 Velvet revolution.

Этносистема Российской Арктики в контексте северной экосистемы: к пониманию особенностей этнополитики в полярном мега-регионе

This paper examines crucial characteristics of the ethnopolitical situation at Russian Arctic and sub-Arctic. Accumulated and deferred ethnic problems of the region are in the center of analysis. The authors proposes the new analytical perspective – to consider the ethnosystem of the Arctic in close connection with the polar ecosystem which allows for ethnopolitical analysis in terms of a single eco-social system.

Документальное кино как средство политической пропаганды: классические и инновационные подходы в цифровую эпоху

The article is devoted to the disclosure of certain aspects of the use of documentary movie as a tool to promote political ideas in modern conditions of development of information and network communications. We consider the classical and innovative techniques, methods and forms of attracting the audience’s attention to documentaries; methods of distribution, advertising, promotion of documentary films; mechanisms that enhance the propaganda effect of movies.

«Исторический» и «ретроспективный» методы современного политического исследования: проблемы использования

The article is about analysis of problems connected to applying “historical” and “retrospective” methods used in political science research. Levels of such problems are indicated. On the first level, these problems appear in the wake of political scientists’ attempts to use intuition while using those methods. The second level problems imply using definitions of “historical” and “retrospective” methods which are the most comprehensible for young scholars and relate to ambiguity and inaccuracy of the terms.

«Левый» сегмент партийной системы современной России: проблемы и перспективы

The article considers and evaluates program features of the leading political parties of the left spectrum within the context of prospects of their further development and possibilities of unification. The author concludes that, in the run up to State Duma and presidential elections, those parties will face the necessity of fundamental organizational, leadership, and ideological renovation.

Особенности формирования центральноазиатского направления публичной дипломатии Ирана

The article is concerned with the analysis of the evolution of Iranian public diplomacy in Central Asia. The author examines the circumstances of revitalization, development features and the current state of Iran’s public diplomacy in the region. The author argues that despite the cultural and civilizational resource on which Iranian soft power in the region relies, the political and ideological features of the new independent states limit Iranian public diplomacy to a certain extent.
