Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Ценности в системе социальной культуры семьи российского военнослужащего

Theoretical, methodological, and empirical substantiation of the problem of values’ development of a serviceman’s family after the implementation of the civil-military relations reform in Russia in 2012 is presented. On the basis of the study from the sociological survey “Family Culture of the Russian Servicemen”, the trends in updating family values in the post-reform period are revealed.

Социологическое измерение эффективности государственной национальной политики в российском регионе: теория и практика

The article is devoted to measuring the effectiveness of the state national policy in Saratov region by means of using sociological methods and practices. The most commonly used method of obtaining social information in such studies was the combination of quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (expert survey) methods. The study revealed a number of trends in the development of the ethno-confessional situation in Saratov region.

Современные объяснительные модели религиозной конверсии: ограничения и эвристические возможности

The article is devoted to the review of foreign theories of religious conversion. The interdisciplinary nature and degree of studying the phenomenon of religious conversion in foreign and Russian scientific discourses are identified. The theoretical models of religious conversion presented in the framework of positivist, interpretive and integrative paradigms of religious conversion are described. The main theoretical positions of foreign theories of religious conversion are considered.

Правовая грамотность студенчества различных типов специальности (на примере г. Саратова)

The sociological survey conducted in 2020 revealed the ambiguous, contradictory nature and average level of legal literacy of students, since the prevailing majority of young people are only superficially acquainted with their civil rights and, especially – responsibilities. Young people more positioned the law as a mechanism for regulating their permissiveness rather than as a mechanism regulating their behavior within a certain framework.

Субъективное благополучие и трудовая вовлеченность сотрудников старшего возраста: гендерный аспект

The results of the empirical study of the male and female senior personnel`s subjective well-being in manufacturing and medical organizations with different involvement in innovative processes (ordinary and innovative companies) are presented. The subjective well-being is considered as an emotional regulator of labor activity, the indicator of the socio-psychological age and determinant of personal labor involvement.

Геронтное общение: социолингвистический взгляд на проблему

The article reveals the features of the speech transformations of the elderly people associated with the changes in both biological and social characters. The stereotypes of age perception, ageism as a practice in communicating with the elderly, «secondary babbling» are considered. The practical recommendations aimed at removing barriers in interaction with an elderly person and their relevance in the field of social services for this category of citizens are highlighted.

Возрастные особенности женской предпринимательской активности (на примере женщин-предпринимателей Саратовской области)

The article deals with age-specific features of women’s entrepreneurial activity on the example of the women entrepreneurs in Saratov region. The logic of the work is built around the identification of the age profile of women’s entrepreneurship, as well as the age specificity of the key components of women’s entrepreneurial activity.

Роль многопоколенной московской семьи в условиях пандемии COVID-19: социологический анализ

As a part of the tasks provided by “The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation” dated 07.05.2018 No. 204 «On National Goals and Strategic Tasks for the Development of the Russian Federation in the Period up to 2024», one of the key directions in modern social research is the study of the life of the older generation in the structure of a multi-generational family. Special attention is paid to the role of the monogamous family in solving the current problems of the modern young family, as well as the upbringing of the younger generation of Russians.

Социализирующий потенциал региональной системы образования для лиц с ОВЗ: риски и точки роста

The article presents the analysis of the existing risks in the regional education system in ensuring the socialization of persons with disabilities in the environment of normativity peers. The risks include not only organizational and material conditions but also social attitudes, beliefs and fears of educational subjects. On the basis of the available data the conditions for reducing these risks are presented.

Тенденции развития научно-образовательного пространства в современной России

The article considers the fundamental concept of «scientific and educational space» as the integration of two fundamental spheres – science and education, on the one hand, and the territorial space of our country, on the other. The article deals with the trends in the development of scientific and educational space and their interaction with the Russian urban environment and province. The problem of increasing the human and intellectual potential of the territory is studied.
